German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Chip shortage causes further production downtimes and short-time work in the VW main plant003010

VW production

As a result of the chip crisis, there are further restrictions at the main plant in Wolfsburg.

(Photo: Reuters)

Wolfsburg The ongoing supply crisis for important electronic components such as microchips is leading to renewed production downtimes and short-time working at the Wolfsburg headquarters at Volkswagen. The restrictions that were initially calculated by the end of this week will drag on well into October, as the company announced on Wednesday.
On Friday (October 1st), only one Golf assembly line is to be operated in the morning shift. In the next week and the week after that (October 4 to October 15) there will probably be “complete short-time work” – with the exception of a single day (October 14). The “Braunschweiger Zeitung” had previously reported on the updated plans.
The lack of supply of semiconductor components is currently a major problem throughout the automotive industry. Suppliers such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz or the commercial vehicle divisions of Volkswagen and Daimler are also affected. After contracts with chip manufacturers that were prematurely terminated or quantities were cut in the Corona sales depression in mid-2020, urgently needed parts are now missing in many places.

Large numbers of vehicles could not already be manufactured to the end, “heaps” are forming. This is compounded by its own capacity bottlenecks in the semiconductor industry.

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