Customer service after the pandemic: the consumer has migrated to social networks

October 25, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

La atenciĆ³n al cliente tras la pandemia: el consumidor ha migrado a las redes sociales

87% of those surveyed feel comfortable sending messages to brands via social networks.

Customer service has become an essential point to improve the relationship between consumers and brands. Good service directly influences the customer’s purchase decision and creates a positive reputation for the dealer. But what are consumers looking for in this regard after the pandemic? One of the main conclusions of a study carried out by Mitto is that social networks have risen positions in terms of customer service.

They have positioned themselves in recent years as an emerging channel, one of those places consumers turn to when they want to make complaints. But not only that, but it is also the place chosen by the client to ask questions, resolve doubts and manage the connection with the brand.

In general terms, the study leaves the following data of interest for the concessionaire:

70% of consumers recognize that they use social networks more since the pandemic began.
58% communicate much more via social environments with brands and companies.
87% of those surveyed feel comfortable sending messages to brands via social networks.
77% say that they have already connected through that space with a brand to ask for help. Of them, 79% of those who did describe the experience as positive.

Why are consumers using social media to connect with businesses?

To the previous question, 72% assure that they do it this way because it is more comfortable for them; 61% because it is faster; and 50% because the attention is more personal.

In addition to helping with customer service, a study by McKinsey, a global strategic consulting firm, indicates that sales teams that carry out actions of social selling they manage to increase their sales ratio by 20-25%. But for this, you must first define a good strategy: objectives, analysis, metrics and content.

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