Hybrids occupy almost 21% of the market share in the third quarter in Europe

October 25, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

Los híbridos ocupan casi un 21% de la cuota de mercado en el tercer trimestre en Europa

They thus become the second engine option chosen by Europeans, surpassing diesel.

Hybrid registrations have already surpassed diesel in third-quarter sales in Europe. Specifically, hybrids have had a market share of 20.7%, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA). With these data they have become the second choice of Europeans by type of engine.

In this last quarter the demand for this type of vehicle has increased by 31.5%. Central Europe has had a lot to do with this increase due to the rise in registrations of these vehicles.

So far in 2021, hybrids have reached a total of 1.45 million registered units, 95.2% more than in the same period of 2020.

Diesel registrations cut in half

The opposite case is starred in diesel registrations that saw their sales reduced by 50.5% in the European Union during the third quarter of the year, from 769,922 units to 381,473.

For its part, gasoline has also seen its share reduced from 47.6% in the third quarter of 2020 to 39.5% this year. In the accumulated figure, the fall is more moderate, falling by 12.5%, totaling 3.1 million units.

On the other hand, the demand for battery electric vehicles increased during the third quarter in the European Union. Specifically, 56.7% did so, reaching 212,582 units sold. The incentives for the acquisition of these vehicles offered by many EU countries have a lot to do with this increase.

The same reality as in the Spanish market

This trend is also visible in the Spanish market. Unlike the rest of fuels, electrified vehicle sales in September they counted 24,466 units sold compared to 17,376 in 2020 (+ 40.80%) and 11,888 in 2019. It represents a growth of 105.68% compared to the last normal year before COVID-19.

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