German Manager Magazin: Tesla shares with price rally: Elon Musk’s fortune jumps over $ 302 billion001248

If there was still need for proof that developments on the stock exchanges had broken away from reality, the electric car group should have Tesla have provided it this week: After the car rental company Hertz announced the order for 100,000 Tesla vehicles, the – already quite high – price of the group shot up.

For Tesla boss Elon Musk, this had the side effect that he – at least on paper – became wealthier by a whopping 36 billion dollars practically overnight because his Tesla shares also appreciated so much in value. To put it into perspective: That is more than the Porsche group is worth as a whole.

Musk outclasses Bezos

Converted to the Hertz order, each of the 100,000 cars made Musk richer by 360,000 dollars. If you include the option, which is also included in the contract, to double the order to 200,000 vehicles, the amount is still at 180,000 dollars per car – and thus well above the list price of the Tesla ordered.

Because the price of the Tesla share continued to rise sharply for the rest of the week, Musk’s total assets have now exceeded the $ 300 billion mark for the first time, according to calculations by the financial news service Bloomberg (at first the FAZ had above it reported). On Friday afternoon, the news agency appraised the value exactly $ 302 billion. Incidentally, Amazon founders come second in this list Jeff Bezos with “only” $ 199 billion.

Exactly a year ago, Bezos was still clearly at the head of the world’s billionaire wars ($ 187 billion). Musk followed in third place with $ 102 billion at the time. His assets – which are heavily dependent on the current market value of his company shares – rose by 200 billion dollars within a year. That’s an increase of more than $ 500 million per day.

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