Black gay woman sues Tesla, alleges ‘unchecked’ racism at plant

A Black gay woman who worked at a Tesla Inc. factory accused the electric-vehicle maker in a lawsuit of “festering” racism by ignoring the racial and homophobic slurs and physical harm she endured.

Kaylen Barker, a former contract worker who inspected brake parts, is the latest to complain that Tesla ignores discrimination based on race, sexual orientation and gender at its plants. According to her complaint, her abuse occurred even as Tesla defended another contract worker’s discrimination case in court — which the company lost and was ordered to pay $137 million in damages.

A white co-worker struck Barker with a hot grinding tool while calling her the n-word, “stupid, dumb” and a “b—-,” according to her complaint, filed Tuesday in state court in Alameda County, California. The co-worker was fired after Barker complained to Tesla’s human resources department but was “shockingly rehired” about two weeks later “without any forewarning or explanation,” she said in her complaint.

“I feel like I have been tortured and sent back in time before African Americans had civil rights,” she said in a statement. Barker, 25, said she was “violated physically, mentally, and emotionally” because she’s “an African American lesbian.”