German Handelsblatt: Auto: BMW with US sales plus – VW subsidiaries Porsche and Audi weak004075

Porsche showroom

The VW subsidiary has had the best quarter in the company’s history.

(Photo: Bloomberg)

German automakers performed differently in the US in the first quarter. BMW achieved an increase in sales of its core brand of 3.2 percent to 73,714 vehicles, as the company announced on Friday evening (local time). With 6876 vehicles, even 9.4 percent more cars were sold from the Mini than in the same period last year.
The VW subsidiary Porsche, on the other hand, recorded a drop of almost a quarter to 13,042 vehicles. However, the first quarter of 2021 was also the best in the history of the sports car manufacturer.
The Audi brand is struggling with even more significant declines. Sales here fell by 35 percent to 35,505 vehicles. The automotive industry is currently struggling with supply chain problems, including shortages in chips.
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