Expansion of student union at Grinnell has college president’s support – Des Moines Register

In the wake of an election that expands an on-campus union to cover every student worker, Grinnell College President Anne Harris said she was impressed with the school’s labor leaders.

With votes tallied by the National Labor Relations Board on Tuesday, students overwhelmingly approved the Union of Grinnell Student Dining Workers’ proposal, marking a victory in an effort students had pursued for almost four years.

The union and the elite liberal arts school’s leaders have been at odds in the past, including a 2018 legal fight during which Grinnell attorneys tried to block an election. But the union leaders said they were “pleasantly surprised’ by their interactions with Harris, who joined the administration in fall 2019 and became president the following summer.

More:How Grinnell student workers won union expansion after years of battling administration

Harris, for her part, returned the compliment in an interview with the Des Moines Register on Friday.

“They moved from protest to process,” Harris said. “There is a place for protest. … I actually really value protest. But I know that institutional change comes through process. They brought a lot of valuable research as well.”

Grinnell College President Anne Harris

Union leaders, who represented about 120 workers at the dining hall and a campus cafe, told Harris in December they wanted a vote on expanding their bargaining unit to other student employees. Harris agreed to a series of meetings at the beginning of this year, during which she and the union negotiated a neutrality agreement to govern how an election could proceed. 

She said the students brought examples of agreements and contracts between unions and campus administrators that they believed could work at Grinnell. Ultimately, students voted by mail in March.

Battle to expand union had been going on since 2018

Now that the students have won, union leaders and campus administrators will bring in a consultant to advise them how to bargain on a new contract.

Students first unionized at Grinnell in 2016. But when the union’s leaders tried to expand the bargaining unit to cover all student workers on campus a year later, they met resistance. 

After students voted to expand the union in November 2018, school administrators retained Proskauer Rose, a management-side labor law firm that represents the National Basketball Association and many universities.

More:Two thirds of Americans say public schools are on the wrong track, new Grinnell poll finds

School leaders asked the NLRB to rule on whether Grinnell’s student workers qualified as employees. Fearing the then-Republican-controlled board could rule against them and set a precedent that would cripple other student worker unions around the country, the Grinnell students vacated their election win.