Green wave through AI evaluation

Employees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are researching the green wave using artificial intelligence.

There have already been a few approaches Green Wave in the past. The traffic lights were set to the correct speed or an app should suggest the speed. Now there is a new proposal, the one artificial intelligence includes.

The green wave not only offers the advantage that the route can be traveled faster, it also helps to reduce emissions. It goes without saying that starting at traffic lights costs more fuel. Flowing traffic also uses less fuel.

researchers of WITH developed the AI ​​that knows about the traffic lights. Not just where they are, but when they turn green. The cars are controlled in such a way that they are in front of the traffic lights when they turn green. The earlier measures have already shown that there are a number of imponderables that need to be taken into account. The number of intersections, traffic and other obstacles.

However, the concept only works with autonomous cars that are controlled by AI. Furthermore, tests in the real world are still pending. So far, the concept has only been simulated. However, this resulted in savings of 18 percent in consumption, which means 25 percent less CO2 emissions.

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