Works Council Secretary General is to become top manager: Osterloh sends close confidants to VW Board

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Works council general secretary to be top manager Osterloh sends close confidants to VW board

Gunnar Kilian


Gunnar Kilian

at Volkswagen Show stock market chart It is becoming ever clearer how the power will be redistributed on the board after the end of the day for CEO Matthias Müller. In the course of the planned conversion at Volkswagen should also go according to a media report and HR Director Karlheinz Blessing. Blessing’s successor will be Gunnar Kilian, who previously worked as Secretary General of VW Works Council Chairman Bernd Osterloh, as “Spiegel Online” reported,

But Blessing could have a different function within the group. Volkswagen declined to comment. A spokesman said that there is no speculation. The works council also did not want to comment on this.

According to insiders, VW brand leader Herbert Diess the previous CEO Matthias Müller inherit fromwho led the world’s largest carmaker three and a half years ago since the diesel scandal became known. The Wolfsburg did not want to confirm this on Tuesday. However, they announced a further development of the management structure, which could also lead to changes in the top management.

nis / RTR / dpa

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