UN-ECE increases speed for autonomous driving to level 3

Autonomous driving at level 3 should soon be possible at 130 kilometers per hour.

In Germany there is a model level 3 admitted: the S class from Mercedes Benz. This allows you to let the car take control on certain routes and focus on other things. However, you have to be able to take control again within a very short time. The vehicle then drives, for example, in slow-moving traffic on the motorway at a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour.



Now the AG for autonomous and networked driving of the UN-ECE has approved a draft amendment, according to which the speed should be increased to 130 kilometers per hour, including changing lanes. From June 21 to 24, another UN-ECE committee is meeting, which still has to give its approval to the process. In this way, the new regulation would apply to over 50 nations worldwide, including Germany. The USA is not affected by this.

If it receives the formal approval of the harmonization commission, it could take up to two years before the vehicles can actually accelerate up to 130 kilometers per hour.

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