Jim Hackett

Jim Hackett is president and chief executive officer, Ford Motor Company, effective May 22, 2017. He also is a member of the company’s board of directors. Under Hackett’s leadership, together with Bill Ford, Ford is committed to becoming the world’s most trusted mobility company, designing smart vehicles for a smart world that help people move… Continue reading Jim Hackett

It never gets boring in the Volkswagen empire

K A brief and concise presentation of the situation, a few friendly inquiries, and a quick discharge for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board – that is exactly how a Volkswagen general meeting usually does not come to an end. There are a number of reasons for this. Because the largest car company in the… Continue reading It never gets boring in the Volkswagen empire

This is the lie we tell ourselves about leadership, says CEO with a million-person workforce

It’s a fate that has befallen many leaders, including the CEO of Uber, one of Go-Jek’s competitors, who resigned amid a wave of leadership criticisms. Now, Makarim said he actively encourages collaborative discussions and wants those who are closest to the ground to help with decision-making. That could be in anything from Go-Jek’s motorcycle taxi… Continue reading This is the lie we tell ourselves about leadership, says CEO
with a million-person workforce

An unmanned car may soon deliver your Kroger groceries

Earlier this month, it said that digital sales for the past quarter had grown 66 percent. “We cannot just rely on physical stores to reach all of our customers for delivery and and pick-up,” said Yael Cosset, Kroger’s chief digital officer, in an interview with CNBC. Kroger has more than 2,800 stores across the U.S.,… Continue reading An unmanned car may soon deliver your Kroger

Ford invests in bicycles

e in Fahrrad is a rather unusual exhibit at a car show. The automaker ford The style break seems to disturb but little. Therefore, at its booth at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt, the company has also set up a pedal-powered two-wheeler in addition to a whole range of cars. It stands next to… Continue reading Ford invests in bicycles

This man is to give the street scooter gas

W If it has to be, the yellow parcel transporters can also be sporty. Round by round Jürgen Gerdes beats the street scooter with squealing tires through the roundabout on a test site near Aachen, where the German postal service tested their prototypes and new developments. His driving style does not necessarily match the ecological… Continue reading This man is to give the street scooter gas

Post is testing self-propelled street scooters

D ie German postal service now wants to test self-propelled models of their electric delivery truck Streetscooter. The Group will test the use of technically upgraded Streetscootern that can follow the delivery of letters and parcels independently, a post spokesman said on Tuesday. Some vehicles should be equipped with appropriate technology. Before a practice test,… Continue reading Post is testing self-propelled street scooters

“Volkswagen has to become more decent”

Faster, harder – and humble: Herbert Diess, just moved to the top VW, wants to promote the cultural change in the Group and bring this year 70 new models on the market. imago / Sven Simon Thursday, 03.05.2018 11:59 clock VW wants to implement its much-vaunted cultural change – after a bumpy start – finally… Continue reading “Volkswagen has to become more decent”

Stefan Sommer becomes Volkswagen Board Member

D he after a power struggle with the supplier ZF Retired former CEO Stefan Sommer changes to the world’s largest carmaker. There, he takes over a VW release on Monday evening according to the procurement department. Sommer follows the long-term purchasing director Francisco Javier Garcia Sanz, who left the group at his own request. Volkswagen… Continue reading Stefan Sommer becomes Volkswagen Board Member

Why the Chinese chose Thuringia? to have

e s sounds once surprisingly: The Chinese group CATL is investing 240 million euros in a highly modern car battery factory in Thuringia. Thuringia – that was this low-wage country, you have to drive through, if you want to go from Berlin to Munich. So why are the Chinese now building the heart of the… Continue reading Why the Chinese chose Thuringia?
to have