Motor coaches agree on electric car strategy

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Mark Ovenden

Mark Ovenden is president, International Markets Group, Ford Motor Company effective April 1. In this role, he will lead the business unit which oversees more than 100 markets, including the company’s operations in Africa, ASEAN, Australia, India, Mexico, Middle East, New Zealand and South Korea, and a number of emerging and distributor markets around the… Continue reading Mark Ovenden

Daimler, VW, BMW: Relaxation after a crisis call: Automakers agree on e-car strategy

Finally, the telephone conversation with the CEO of Daimler. BMW and VW took about 40 minutes. After ten minutes it was already clear that everyone would pull together, industry representatives reported to the Handelsblatt following the conference call. The Future belongs to electric mobility, and this will be the only technology in the decade ahead… Continue reading Daimler, VW, BMW: Relaxation after a crisis call: Automakers agree on e-car strategy

Technology dispute between BMW and VW: Autobuses put electro-conflict for the time being

VW boss Diess wants to concentrate state subsidies exclusively on e-cars, with the advance, however, BMW has grossed. Now the corporations have agreed to work together to prepare a strategy. The VWDemand for a radical change to battery-powered electric mobility has the German auto industry split. Essentially, it is about whether state subsidies – as… Continue reading Technology dispute between BMW and VW: Autobuses put electro-conflict for the time being

The end of the thermal engines in 2040 could cost 500 billion to the State

Promising two years ago the end of the sale of petrol or diesel cars by 2040 in France, Nicolas Hulot had set a very ambitious course. The magnitude of the task is measured, in particular, by the proportion of 100% electric engines in the volume of new registrations, whereas, according to the data of the… Continue reading The end of the thermal engines in 2040 could cost 500 billion to the State

Mitsubishi COO was set for new alliance post, then Ghosn happened – Automotive News Europe

Mann is one of several high-level executives leaving in the wake of Ghosn’s removal as chairman of Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi. Also out is Vincent Cobee, 50, who joined Mitsubishi from Nissan as corporate vice president in charge of product strategy. Arun Bajaj, 48, global head of human relations for the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, left March 11.… Continue reading Mitsubishi COO was set for new alliance post, then Ghosn happened – Automotive News Europe

Thyssenkrupp wins contract from VinFast – VietNamNet Bridge

UK-based Thyssenkrupp System Engineering has won a contract from Vietnamese automotive manufacturer VinFast to build an engine assembly line for two new vehicle models. VinFast’s automotive production complex in Haiphong Both models – an SUV and a sedan – were presented to the public for the first time at the Paris Motor Show in October… Continue reading Thyssenkrupp wins contract from VinFast – VietNamNet Bridge

Uber Freight is expanding into Europe

Uber Freight, the newly spun out Uber business unit that helps truck drivers connect with shipping companies, is kicking off its global expansion plans. The company said Wednesday it is launching the app in Europe, starting with the Netherlands. Local carriers and drivers will be able to book and move their first loads with Uber… Continue reading Uber Freight is expanding into Europe

Safety first: Volvo to add in-car sensors to prevent drunk driving

GOTHENBURG (Reuters) – Swedish automaker Volvo hopes to reinforce its reputation for safety-first driving by installing cameras and sensors in its cars from the early 2020s, monitoring drivers for signs of being drunk or distracted and intervening to prevent accidents. FILE PHOTO: The 2016 Volvo XC90, winner of the Truck of the Year award at… Continue reading Safety first: Volvo to add in-car sensors to prevent drunk driving

Statement and Presentation by Dr Nicolas Peter, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Finance, BMW Group Annual Accounts Press Conference 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning from me as well. The year 2018 once again demonstrated the financial and performance strength of the BMW Group. Despite massive headwinds, we reported the second-best result in our company’s history: for the past 15 years, we have now been the world’s leading premium car company. At 7.2%, our EBIT… Continue reading Statement and Presentation by Dr Nicolas Peter, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Finance, BMW Group Annual Accounts Press Conference 2019