Media Explores Where 3D Automotive Lidar is Headed with Velodyne CTO Anand Gopalan

November 19, 2019 Real-time 3D lidar is poised to be the third leg of the trifecta of sensor technologies enabling both advanced driver-assistance (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles, writes Ed Brown in a Photonics & Imaging Technology story. Brown spoke with Velodyne Lidar CTO Anand Gopalan about the current state of 3D automotive lidar and where… Continue reading Media Explores Where 3D Automotive Lidar is Headed with Velodyne CTO Anand Gopalan

Media Covers Velodyne’s Alpha Prime Launch

November 18, 2019 Velodyne launched Alpha Prime™, the most advanced lidar sensor on the market. An article by The Robot Report noted Alpha Prime “is designed for more precise mapping and to help autonomous vehicles safely navigate in unfamiliar and dynamic settings.” The article quotes Oliver Cameron, co-founder and CEO of Voyage Auto commenting on… Continue reading Media Covers Velodyne’s Alpha Prime Launch

LEDinside Interviews Velodyne Lidar COO Rick Tewell

November 18, 2019 Velodyne Lidar provides smart, powerful lidar solutions for ADAS and autonomy. Rick Tewell, COOVelodyne Lidar Yining Chen of LEDinside wrote a story based on an interview with Velodyne COO Rick Tewell and noted the company’s “lidar system ushers in a new and incredible era of advanced 3D imaging technology in autonomous vehicles.”… Continue reading LEDinside Interviews Velodyne Lidar COO Rick Tewell

Riassunto: Velodyne Lidar lancia Alpha Prime™, il sensore lidar più avanzato sul mercato

SAN JOSE, California–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Velodyne Lidar, Inc. ha lanciato quest’oggi Alpha Prime™, il sensore lidar di prossima generazione si avvale della tecnologia a 360 gradi brevettata da Velodyne per l’offerta di un singolo sensore rispondente alle specifiche prestazionali più rigorose per il settore della mobilità autonoma. Il sensore rappresenta una soluzione senza eguali in termini di… Continue reading Riassunto: Velodyne Lidar lancia Alpha Prime™, il sensore lidar più avanzato sul mercato

CNET Places Velodyne Among Biggest Transportation Disruptors of the Decade

November 8, 2019 Lidar sensors are vital to autonomous vehicles, providing high-resolution, three-dimensional information about a car’s surrounding environment. An article by Andrew Krok in Roadshow by CNET looked at the people, concepts and decisions that have contributed to large-scale disruption in transportation in the 2010s. In writing about the disruptive role of lidar, Krok… Continue reading CNET Places Velodyne Among Biggest Transportation Disruptors of the Decade

Press Story Looks at Role of Lidar in Geospatial Tech Trends

November 8, 2019 Geospatial technology has a significant role in the automotive industry, mapping a vehicle’s surrounding environment and its route. In an article in Civil + Structural Engineer, Himanshu Narwani wrote how mapping companies are working with automakers to advance mapping capabilities to support autonomous vehicles. The article noted: “Lidar organizations like Velodyne are… Continue reading Press Story Looks at Role of Lidar in Geospatial Tech Trends

Media Flags Velodyne ADAS Collaboration with Hyundai Mobis

November 8, 2019 Velodyne and Hyundai Mobis will launch a new lidar-based advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) that integrates Velodyne lidar technology and Hyundai Mobis cognitive software. In an article in FierceElectronics, Spencer Chin wrote how “the companies will commercialize their first Lidar system for ADAS in 2021 for awarded mass production programs. They will… Continue reading Media Flags Velodyne ADAS Collaboration with Hyundai Mobis

Introducing Lidar Larry, The Crash Test Genius

Introducing Lidar Larry, The Crash Test GeniusOctober 21, 2019|In Blog|By Velodyne LiDAR

Original interview courtesy of Landis Communications Inc.

Sean Dowdall recently met Lidar Larry at the second annual World Safety Summit on Autonomous Technology on October 2nd, 2019 held at Levy’s Stadium in Santa Clara, California. Unlike his crash test dummy relatives, Lidar Larry has chosen a smarter path in life, testing autonomous vehicles!

Sean: Lidar Larry, it was nice meeting you at the World Safety Summit. Tell me all about the Summit.

Lidar Larry: The World Safety Summit is all about mobility safety. It is a gathering of experts, influencers and everyone who is interested in making autonomous vehicles commonplace.

Sean: This was your debut? How was it?

Lidar Larry: Wonderful! My short documentary premiered. It’s all about me. You can see it here. My agent at Einstein Entertainment Enterprises E3 (fake name), should promote it for an Academy Award. Lidar Larry with an Oscar!

Sean: So, why are you called the Crash Test Genius?

Lidar Larry: My family owns a crash test business. It is a huge success and it has passed down through a lot of generations of dummies over the last 70 years. As for me, I’m the genius in the family. I’m a true believer in technology and the future. I only crash test autonomous vehicles. I’ve never had an incident and here I am today without a scratch.

Sean: Tell me more about the Summit. Who was there?

Lidar Larry: Oh, everybody who is an anybody in the autonomous vehicle world. There were speakers and panelists from Aurora Innovation, Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE), Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Cruise, Intel, SAE International, Ford Motor, Zoox, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, AARP, the National Transportation Safety Board, NVIDIA, Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering, CA DMV, Consumer Reports, the Center for Automotive Research. I could go on and on but I’m going to have to figure out how to thank everybody quickly when I give my Oscar acceptance speech.

Sean: What were your favorite moments at the Safety Summit?

Lidar Larry: I have to tell you that I made some new friends. The first is one who really knows how to clean things up. Idriverplus is an autonomous street sweeper – so full of energy and never complains. Another friend knows how to help make our fruits and nuts better. That’s GUSS, an autonomous orchard sprayer that does the job more safely than traditional sprayers.

Sean: Did you have to work?

Lidar Larry: Work? No, I had a great time riding in the demonstration vehicles. Summit attendees, including many area college students, got to ride in vehicles by AutonomouStuff, Dataspeed, Schaeffler-Paravan SpaceDrive and Velodyne.

Sean: Where will we see you next?

Lidar Larry: You never know. I do like to crash parties. Follow Velodyne on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube to find out where I’ll be next.

Sean: Is there anything else you’d like to say?

Lidar Larry: I’d like to thank Velodyne Lidar and Carlstrom Productions for making my documentary and bringing me to life. And, I’d like to thank in advance, the members of the Academy for voting for me. Go autonomous vehicles!

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Striving to Set the Bar in Autonomous Mobility

September 17, 2019 An Interview with Mark Rosekind, Chief Safety Innovation Officer at Zoox Mark R. Rosekind, Ph.D., Chief Safety Innovation Officer at Zoox, is a preeminent safety professional with more than 30 years of experience promoting innovation through science and leadership in complex environments. Mark joined Zoox after seven years of public service in… Continue reading Striving to Set the Bar in Autonomous Mobility

Media Showcases How Velodyne Providing Lidar Technology to Optimus Ride

September 6, 2019 Optimus Ride operates self-driving vehicles that provide passenger transportation at low speeds within defined, geofenced areas such as planned communities, campuses and self-driving zones in cities. In, Simon Warburton wrote an article on how Optimus Ride will use Velodyne Lidar sensors in its fleet of self-driving vehicles. The story quotes Optimus… Continue reading Media Showcases How Velodyne Providing Lidar Technology to Optimus Ride