German Handelsblatt: Schaeffler: Will e-cargo bikes soon no longer need a bicycle chain?006289

Schaeffler The generator on the pedal axle has no mechanical connection to the actual drive. The Free Ride bike-by-wire drive presented by automotive supplier Schaeffler in 2021 will be on the road in Germany this year. One of the first customers is CIP Mobility GmbH, which will roll out the new pedelec drive concept with… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Schaeffler: Will e-cargo bikes soon no longer need a bicycle chain?006289

German Handelsblatt: Diesel engines: court revokes approval for software update from VW – is there a risk of a new recall by the millions?006287

In der Aufarbeitung des Diesel-Abgasskandals hat sich die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) mit einer Klage gegen das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt durchgesetzt. Das Schleswig-Holsteinische Verwaltungsgericht habe der Klage stattgegeben, bestätigte eine Gerichtssprecherin am Montag. „Die Klage hatte im Wesentlichen Erfolg.“ Den Freigabebescheid für Software-Updates von Dieselmotoren durch das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt habe das Gericht für rechtswidrig erklärt und aufgehoben, fügte sie… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Diesel engines: court revokes approval for software update from VW – is there a risk of a new recall by the millions?006287

German Handelsblatt: Diesel engines: court revokes approval for software update from VW – is there a risk of a new recall by the millions?006287

In der Aufarbeitung des Diesel-Abgasskandals hat sich die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) mit einer Klage gegen das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt durchgesetzt. Das Schleswig-Holsteinische Verwaltungsgericht habe der Klage stattgegeben, bestätigte eine Gerichtssprecherin am Montag. „Die Klage hatte im Wesentlichen Erfolg.“ Den Freigabebescheid für Software-Updates von Dieselmotoren durch das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt habe das Gericht für rechtswidrig erklärt und aufgehoben, fügte sie… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Diesel engines: court revokes approval for software update from VW – is there a risk of a new recall by the millions?006287

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “A scandalous verdict”: VW must cut the salaries of works councils from February006284

In den vergangenen Wochen rumorte es kräftig im VW-Betriebsrat. Grund ist ein Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs (BGH), das empfindliche Gehaltskürzungen mit sich bringen könnte. Das Handelsblatt berichtete.Demnach sollen die Einbußen in Einzelfällen fast die Hälfe des Gehalts ausmachen. In der Spitze liegen die Kürzungen nach Handelsblatt-Informationen bei bis zu 4000 Euro monatlich.Aber auch mittlere Einkommen dürften… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “A scandalous verdict”: VW must cut the salaries of works councils from February006284

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “A scandalous verdict”: VW must cut the salaries of works councils from February006285

In den vergangenen Wochen rumorte es kräftig im VW-Betriebsrat. Grund ist ein Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs (BGH), das empfindliche Gehaltskürzungen mit sich bringen könnte. Das Handelsblatt berichtete.Demnach sollen die Einbußen in Einzelfällen fast die Hälfe des Gehalts ausmachen. In der Spitze liegen die Kürzungen nach Handelsblatt-Informationen bei bis zu 4000 Euro monatlich.Aber auch mittlere Einkommen dürften… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “A scandalous verdict”: VW must cut the salaries of works councils from February006285

German Handelsblatt: Electric cargo bike: Schaeffler makes the bicycle chain superfluous006284

Schaeffler The generator on the pedal axle has no mechanical connection to the actual drive. The Free Ride bike-by-wire drive presented by automotive supplier Schaeffler in 2021 will be on the road in Germany this year. One of the first customers is CIP Mobility GmbH, which will roll out the new pedelec drive concept with… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electric cargo bike: Schaeffler makes the bicycle chain superfluous006284

German Handelsblatt: Schaeffler: Bike-by-Wire for cargo bikes makes the bicycle chain superfluous006283

Schaeffler The generator on the pedal axle has no mechanical connection to the actual drive. The Free Ride bike-by-wire drive presented by automotive supplier Schaeffler in 2021 will be on the road in Germany this year. One of the first customers is CIP Mobility GmbH, which will roll out the new pedelec drive concept with… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Schaeffler: Bike-by-Wire for cargo bikes makes the bicycle chain superfluous006283

German Handelsblatt: Short test: Inexpensive entry into the trend segment – the Opel Grandland006282 can do that

mass compatible Opel has tuned the chassis of its SUV to the greatest possible intersection with mass taste. The Opel Grandland relies on the classic formula for success of compact SUVs: Many strengths and only a few weaknesses make it one of the most attractive offers on the German everyday car market. However, if you… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Short test: Inexpensive entry into the trend segment – the Opel Grandland006282 can do that

German Handelsblatt: Short test: Inexpensive entry into the trend segment – the Opel Grandland006281 can do that

mass compatible Opel has tuned the chassis of its SUV to the greatest possible intersection with mass taste. The Opel Grandland relies on the classic formula for success of compact SUVs: Many strengths and only a few weaknesses make it one of the most attractive offers on the German everyday car market. However, if you… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Short test: Inexpensive entry into the trend segment – the Opel Grandland006281 can do that

German Handelsblatt: Schaeffler: Automotive supplier makes bicycle chains superfluous with bike-by-wire006280

Schaeffler The generator on the pedal axle has no mechanical connection to the actual drive. The Free Ride bike-by-wire drive presented by automotive supplier Schaeffler in 2021 will be on the road in Germany this year. One of the first customers is CIP Mobility GmbH, which will roll out the new pedelec drive concept with… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Schaeffler: Automotive supplier makes bicycle chains superfluous with bike-by-wire006280