German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: software chaos, sales problems in China, distrust in the leadership: what the new VW boss has to tackle now004815

Cariad Volkswagen’s software unit was overwhelmed with too many tasks. (Photo: dpa) When Herbert Diess officially hands over the top post at Volkswagen to Oliver Blume at the end of August, he will be leaving his successor a company in the midst of upheaval. Although the 63-year-old initiated the transformation towards electromobility and the development… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: software chaos, sales problems in China, distrust in the leadership: what the new VW boss has to tackle now004815

German Handelsblatt: Herbert Diess resigns: How the new VW boss Oliver Blume should succeed in restarting004812

After CEO Herbert Diess was thrown out, Volkswagen is trying to start over with Oliver Blume. The CEO of the sports car subsidiary Porsche should calm down the VW group after the conflicts of the past few months and, above all, ensure a new team spirit in top management. The 54-year-old will take up his… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Herbert Diess resigns: How the new VW boss Oliver Blume should succeed in restarting004812

German Handelsblatt: Lobbying: “Updated almost every hour”: Did Lindner report to the Porsche CEO on the coalition negotiations?004811

Bei der vergangenen Sendung der ZDF-Satireshow „Die Anstalt“ hatte Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) wenig zu lachen. Ein Kabarettist erhob einen ernsten Vorwurf: Der FDP-Vorsitzende soll Porsche-CEO Oliver Blume laufend berichtet haben, was in den vertraulichen Koalitionsverhandlungen zu einer Ausnahmeklausel für Autos mit E-Fuels diskutiert wurde.E-Fuels sind synthetische Kraftstoffe, die aus erneuerbarem Strom hergestellt werden sollen.… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Lobbying: “Updated almost every hour”: Did Lindner report to the Porsche CEO on the coalition negotiations?004811

German Handelsblatt: Herbert Diess resigns: How the new VW boss Oliver Blume should succeed in restarting004811

After CEO Herbert Diess was thrown out, Volkswagen is trying to start over with Oliver Blume. The CEO of the sports car subsidiary Porsche should calm down the VW group after the conflicts of the past few months and, above all, ensure a new team spirit in top management. The 54-year-old will take up his… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Herbert Diess resigns: How the new VW boss Oliver Blume should succeed in restarting004811

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: The chronology of an expulsion: how VW boss Diess was replaced004809

Herbert Diess The replacement of Herbert Diess as VW boss was announced on Friday. Years of power struggles followed. (Photo: Reuters) The news last Wednesday came as a complete surprise to Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess. The head of the supervisory board, Hans Dieter Pötsch, had asked for an interview at short notice for lunchtime, and… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: The chronology of an expulsion: how VW boss Diess was replaced004809

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: The chronology of an expulsion: how VW boss Diess was replaced004808

Herbert Diess The replacement of Herbert Diess as VW boss was announced on Friday. Years of power struggles followed. (Photo: Reuters) The news last Wednesday came as a complete surprise to Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess. The head of the supervisory board, Hans Dieter Pötsch, had asked for an interview at short notice for lunchtime, and… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: The chronology of an expulsion: how VW boss Diess was replaced004808

German Handelsblatt: Comment: Not only Herbert Diess failed at Volkswagen – the supervisory board004807 did too

VW boss Herbert Diess The replacement of Herbert Diess as VW boss was delayed for a long time by the supervisory board. (Photo: Reuters) Despite the abrupt expulsion: Herbert Diess was exactly the right CEO for Volkswagen at the beginning. After taking office in April 2018, the VW boss uncompromisingly switched the automaker to the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Comment: Not only Herbert Diess failed at Volkswagen – the supervisory board004807 did too

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: software chaos, sales problems in China, distrust in the leadership: what the new VW boss has to tackle now004804

Cariad Volkswagen’s software unit was overwhelmed with too many tasks. (Photo: dpa) When Herbert Diess officially hands over the top post at Volkswagen to Oliver Blume at the end of August, he will be leaving his successor a company in the midst of upheaval. Although the 63-year-old initiated the transformation towards electromobility and the development… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: software chaos, sales problems in China, distrust in the leadership: what the new VW boss has to tackle now004804

German Handelsblatt: Automotive and industrial suppliers: For more than half a billion euros: Schaeffler takes over drive specialist Ewellix004802

Headquarters of Schaeffler AG The company from Herzogenaurach is investing 582 million euros in the drive specialist Ewellix. (Photo: dpa) The automotive and industrial supplier Schaeffler is taking over the drive specialist Ewellix for well over half a billion euros. This will strengthen the group’s industrial business, Schaeffler announced on Sunday in Herzogenaurach. A price… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive and industrial suppliers: For more than half a billion euros: Schaeffler takes over drive specialist Ewellix004802

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – The balance sheet of VW boss Diess004801

Herbert Diess presented the VW ID.3 in 2019 Diess recognized the future of electrified drives early on. (Photo: AP) It actually looked like Herbert Diess would fulfill his three-year contract as VW boss. He was the favorite of the financial markets. In investor circles, he was considered the one who initiated the transformation with electromobility… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – The balance sheet of VW boss Diess004801