German Handelsblatt: Auto Union: How Audi got the four rings on the radiator grille004578

These shiny cabriolets make the hearts of many classic car fans beat faster: an Audi built in 1934 with 40 hp, a four-seater DKW F7, a Horch 830 BL with eight cylinders and a Wanderer W40 with a Porsche engine. In the Horch Museum in Zwickau, they each stand for one of the four rings… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto Union: How Audi got the four rings on the radiator grille004578

German Handelsblatt: Pilot test: Volkswagen and Eon make electric cars for storage004577

Volkswagen is turning the ID.Buzz into an electricity storage device Deliveries of the new ID.Buzz from Volkswagen will begin in autumn. The minibus becomes “bidirectional” and can thus return the charged electricity to the grid – and thus becomes a storage device. (Photo: dpa) In the future, electric cars can help to solve a major… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Pilot test: Volkswagen and Eon make electric cars for storage004577

German Handelsblatt: Pilot test: Volkswagen and Eon make electric cars for storage004575

Volkswagen is turning the ID.Buzz into an electricity storage device Deliveries of the new ID.Buzz from Volkswagen will begin in autumn. The minibus becomes “bidirectional” and can thus return the charged electricity to the grid – and thus becomes a storage device. (Photo: dpa) In the future, electric cars can help to solve a major… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Pilot test: Volkswagen and Eon make electric cars for storage004575

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad: Compromise in the VW software dispute – Audi and Porsche have to step back004574

Herbert Diess The VW boss was under pressure to find a concept to solve the problems at the software subsidiary Cariad. (Photo: Volkswagen AG) In the two years since it was founded, the VW software subsidiary Cariad has mainly caused problems for the group. Schedules for newly developed software were not met. As a result,… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad: Compromise in the VW software dispute – Audi and Porsche have to step back004574

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad: Compromise in the VW software dispute – Audi and Porsche have to step back004573

Herbert Diess The VW boss was under pressure to find a concept to solve the problems at the software subsidiary Cariad. (Photo: Volkswagen AG) In the two years since it was founded, the VW software subsidiary Cariad has mainly caused problems for the group. Schedules for newly developed software were not met. As a result,… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad: Compromise in the VW software dispute – Audi and Porsche have to step back004573

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad: Compromise in the VW software dispute – Audi and Porsche have to step back004570

Herbert Diess The VW boss was under pressure to find a concept to solve the problems at the software subsidiary Cariad. (Photo: Volkswagen AG) In the two years since it was founded, the VW software subsidiary Cariad has mainly caused problems for the group. Schedules for newly developed software were not met. As a result,… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad: Compromise in the VW software dispute – Audi and Porsche have to step back004570

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad: Compromise in software dispute: VW brand has priority over Audi and Porsche004567

Herbert Diess The VW boss was under pressure to find a concept to solve the problems at the software subsidiary Cariad. (Photo: Volkswagen AG) In the two years since it was founded, the VW software subsidiary Cariad has mainly caused problems for the group. Schedules for newly developed software were not met. As a result,… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad: Compromise in software dispute: VW brand has priority over Audi and Porsche004567

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW boss Diess: “Tesla is weakening – we have to seize this opportunity”004566

Herbert Diess Der VW-Chef sieht Tesla weiterhin als größten Konkurrenten. (Foto: dpa) VW-Chef Herbert Diess glaubt, den US-Erzrivalen Tesla bald einholen zu können. Die Firma von Elon Musk bleibe größter Konkurrent – doch man sehe etwa an der Komplexität der neuen Fabriken in Grünheide bei Berlin oder in Austin (USA), dass auch dort nicht alles von… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW boss Diess: “Tesla is weakening – we have to seize this opportunity”004566

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW boss Diess: “Tesla is weakening – we have to use this opportunity”004565

Herbert Diess Der VW-Chef sieht Tesla weiterhin als größten Konkurrenten. (Foto: dpa) VW-Chef Herbert Diess glaubt, den US-Erzrivalen Tesla bald einholen zu können. Die Firma von Elon Musk bleibe größter Konkurrent – doch man sehe etwa an der Komplexität der neuen Fabriken in Grünheide bei Berlin oder in Austin (USA), dass auch dort nicht alles von… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW boss Diess: “Tesla is weakening – we have to use this opportunity”004565

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW boss Diess: “Tesla is weakening – we have to use this opportunity”004564

Herbert Diess Der VW-Chef sieht Tesla weiterhin als größten Konkurrenten. (Foto: dpa) VW-Chef Herbert Diess glaubt, den US-Erzrivalen Tesla bald einholen zu können. Die Firma von Elon Musk bleibe größter Konkurrent – doch man sehe etwa an der Komplexität der neuen Fabriken in Grünheide bei Berlin oder in Austin (USA), dass auch dort nicht alles von… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW boss Diess: “Tesla is weakening – we have to use this opportunity”004564