German Handelsblatt: Luxury strategy: Too unprofitable, too European: Mercedes wants to take the A class out of the range004538

For decades, size was what counted most at Mercedes-Benz. The dream of the “Welt AG” with Chrysler burst abruptly, but the brand with the star was later able to console itself by selling more cars than arch-rival BMW. In order to permanently dominate the premium league, Mercedes expanded its model range to more than 40… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Luxury strategy: Too unprofitable, too European: Mercedes wants to take the A class out of the range004538

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Former BMW manager again accused of bribery004536

BMW headquarters in Munich The former manager is in custody. (Photo: dpa) The Munich public prosecutor’s office has brought two further charges of breach of trust and bribery against a former BMW manager. “The man is said to have given preference to companies when awarding contracts between 2007 and 2017 and received a total of… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Former BMW manager again accused of bribery004536

German Handelsblatt: Commercial vehicles: Daimler Trucks are sold out – customers pay higher prices004535

Production at Daimler Truck The world’s largest truck manufacturer has been independent of the former parent company Daimler since 2021. (Photo: dpa) If you want to know how the world economy is doing, you can see a lot in the sales figures for trucks. Because little can be saved more easily in an imminent downturn… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Commercial vehicles: Daimler Trucks are sold out – customers pay higher prices004535

German Handelsblatt: Commercial vehicles: Daimler Trucks are sold out – customers pay higher prices004533

Production at Daimler Truck The world’s largest truck manufacturer has been independent of the former parent company Daimler since 2021. (Photo: dpa) If you want to know how the world economy is doing, you can see a lot in the sales figures for trucks. Because little can be saved more easily in an imminent downturn… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Commercial vehicles: Daimler Trucks are sold out – customers pay higher prices004533

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Porsche boss Oliver Blume: Formula 1 project can be profitable004532

Oliver Blume The Porsche boss justifies the interest with the growing success of the motorsport premier class. (Photo: Reuters) In the event of entry into Formula 1, Porsche does not see any major economic risk. He was “confident that it could be profitable,” said Porsche boss Oliver Blume of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Friday). The… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Porsche boss Oliver Blume: Formula 1 project can be profitable004532

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Porsche boss Oliver Blume: Formula 1 project can be profitable004530

Oliver Blume The Porsche boss justifies the interest with the growing success of the motorsport premier class. (Photo: Reuters) In the event of entry into Formula 1, Porsche does not see any major economic risk. He was “confident that it could be profitable,” said Porsche boss Oliver Blume of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Friday). The… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Porsche boss Oliver Blume: Formula 1 project can be profitable004530

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: BMW opens third plant in Shenyang – largest investment in China004529

Fahrzeugproduktion in Shenyang Schon vor der aktuellen Erweiterung war es der volumenstärkste Standort des Konzerns. (Foto: BMW) Inmitten der Diskussion über eine zu große Abhängigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft von China hat BMW am Donnerstag sein drittes Werk in Shenyang eröffnet. Mit mehr als zwei Milliarden Euro ist es die größte Investition der Münchener in dem Land… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: BMW opens third plant in Shenyang – largest investment in China004529

German Handelsblatt: Commercial vehicles: Daimler Trucks are sold out – customers pay higher prices004527

Production at Daimler Truck The world’s largest truck manufacturer has been independent of the former parent company Daimler since 2021. (Photo: dpa) If you want to know how the world economy is doing, you can see a lot in the sales figures for trucks. Because little can be saved more easily in an imminent downturn… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Commercial vehicles: Daimler Trucks are sold out – customers pay higher prices004527

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: BMW opens third plant in Shenyang – largest investment in China004526

Fahrzeugproduktion in Shenyang Schon vor der aktuellen Erweiterung war es der volumenstärkste Standort des Konzerns. (Foto: BMW) Inmitten der Diskussion über eine zu große Abhängigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft von China hat BMW am Donnerstag sein drittes Werk in Shenyang eröffnet. Mit mehr als zwei Milliarden Euro ist es die größte Investition der Münchener in dem Land… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: BMW opens third plant in Shenyang – largest investment in China004526

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: BMW opens third plant in Shenyang – largest investment in China004524

Fahrzeugproduktion in Shenyang Schon vor der aktuellen Erweiterung war es der volumenstärkste Standort des Konzerns. (Foto: BMW) Inmitten der Diskussion über eine zu große Abhängigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft von China hat BMW am Donnerstag sein drittes Werk in Shenyang eröffnet. Mit mehr als zwei Milliarden Euro ist es die größte Investition der Münchner in dem Land… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: BMW opens third plant in Shenyang – largest investment in China004524