German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: VW boss Diess rejects criticism of software unit Cariad004260

Herbert Diess The Volkswagen boss calls on the internal critics in the group to cooperate more with the software unit Cariad. (Photo: dpa) Volkswagen will work with the US chip company Qualcomm to develop automated driving. On Tuesday, the carmaker announced the cooperation with the chip company. The Handelsblatt reported on this on Monday. In… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: VW boss Diess rejects criticism of software unit Cariad004260

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Porsche invests in new batteries – the new material is that powerful004257

Sports sedan Taycan With new battery materials, Porsche could increase the range and charging speed of its car batteries. For new, high-performance batteries, Porsche is again allowed to go its own way in the Volkswagen Group with a lot of money: First, in 2021, the Zuffenhausen-based company announced that it would build a high-performance battery… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Porsche invests in new batteries – the new material is that powerful004257

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Herbert Diess is under pressure: Criticism of the VW software unit Cariad is growing004191

Herbert Diess The VW boss has been responsible for the Cariad software unit himself since the beginning of the year. (Photo: Volkswagen AG) At the beginning of the year, Herbert Diess made the new software unit Cariad a top priority. The Volkswagen boss took over operational supervision from Audi boss Markus Duesmann. After all, Cariad… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Herbert Diess is under pressure: Criticism of the VW software unit Cariad is growing004191

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Herbert Diess’ fate depends on Cariad – but the VW software unit is not running around004175

Herbert Diess The VW boss has been responsible for the Cariad software unit himself since the beginning of the year. (Photo: Volkswagen AG) At the beginning of the year, Herbert Diess made the new software unit Cariad a top priority. The Volkswagen boss took over operational supervision from Audi boss Markus Duesmann. After all, Cariad… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Herbert Diess’ fate depends on Cariad – but the VW software unit is not running around004175

German Handelsblatt: Dax group: “Duty of care for employees”: Continental temporarily resumes production in Russia004160

Continental tires The German supplier is producing again in Russia out of concern for its employees. (Photo: Reuters) The auto supplier and tire manufacturer Continental has restarted production in Russia. On Tuesday, the company confirmed a report in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Wednesday), according to which tire production in Kaluga, southwest of Moscow, had already… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Dax group: “Duty of care for employees”: Continental temporarily resumes production in Russia004160

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Luxury at a higher level: Mercedes presents all-electric luxury class SUV004151

Ist die Plattform erst einmal fertig entwickelt, geht es Schlag auf Schlag. Bestens abzulesen ist dies am Mercedes EQS und EQE. Beide Elektrolimousinen hatten ihre Debüts innerhalb eines Jahres. Und schon in gut sechs Monaten bringen die Schwaben das dritte Modell auf gleicher Architektur auf die Straße, das EQS SUV. Es markiert das Flaggschiff der… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Luxury at a higher level: Mercedes presents all-electric luxury class SUV004151

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: BMW production restarted in China004144

BMW in China The SUV X5 was previously only manufactured in Spartanburg in the USA. (Photo: dpa) After three weeks of standstill due to Corona, car production at the world’s largest BMW location Shenyang in China has now started again. One-shift operation is currently still in progress, said a company spokesman on Thursday. At the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: BMW production restarted in China004144

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen makes a profit of 8.5 billion euros – but warns of the consequences of the Ukraine war004140

Volkswagen-Produktion in Zwickau Der Autobauer warnt vor den Folgen des Ukrainekriegs auf das Geschäft. (Foto: Reuters) Der Volkswagen-Konzern profitiert von Bewertungseffekten aus seinen eigenen Rohstoff-Sicherungsgeschäften und kann dadurch für das erste Quartal einen deutlich gesteigerten Betriebsgewinn ausweisen. Wie der Wolfsburger Autohersteller am Donnerstag mitteilte, ist das operative Ergebnis dadurch in den ersten drei Monaten im Vergleich zur… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen makes a profit of 8.5 billion euros – but warns of the consequences of the Ukraine war004140

German Handelsblatt: VW: The Spanish Volkswagen brand Seat is threatened with a slow end004138

The future of Seat is called Cupra Cupra production at the Seat main plant in Martorell near Barcelona: At the end of the decade, the production of Seat models should be stopped there. (Photo: Bloomberg) It’s actually Seat’s annual press conference. But when CEO Wayne Griffiths opened the event in Barcelona in mid-March, he almost… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: VW: The Spanish Volkswagen brand Seat is threatened with a slow end004138

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Up to 850 kilometers range: Mercedes wants to halve the consumption of electric cars004134

Daimler The Stuttgarters want to realize something equivalent to a one-liter car for a wide range of customers. (Photo: dpa) The car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz has managed something like a “small landing on Mars”, rejoices Head of Development Markus Schäfer. In concrete terms, the Dax group was able to cover a distance of more than a… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Up to 850 kilometers range: Mercedes wants to halve the consumption of electric cars004134