German Handelsblatt: VW Pkw: VW core brand makes 1.8 billion euros in profit in the first half of the year

Volkswagen logo The core brand of Volkswagen is also in a significantly better position again after the deep red figures from the first half of last year. At the end of 2020, the VW Passenger Cars division had already managed to get rid of the corona-related loss – from January to June, the consequences of… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: VW Pkw: VW core brand makes 1.8 billion euros in profit in the first half of the year

German Handelsblatt: Interview with Arno Antlitz: VW CFO on the chip shortage: “The visibility of further developments remains limited” 002615

Düsseldorf Because of the acute shortage of chips, Volkswagen remains cautious for the rest of 2021 despite the brilliant half-year results. “The prospect of the further development of the year remains limited because of the semiconductor situation,” said CFO Arno Antlitz in an interview with the Handelsblatt. The VW Group could not produce several 100,000… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Interview with Arno Antlitz: VW CFO on the chip shortage: “The visibility of further developments remains limited” 002615

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: BMW also stops production in Regensburg due to lack of chips002559

BMW plant Regensburg Production will be suspended for a week from Monday. (Photo: dpa) Due to missing components with computer chips, BMW interrupts car production at the Regensburg plant. A one-week break is planned from Monday (July 26), as a spokeswoman said on request on Sunday. After that, a holiday week was planned anyway, so… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: BMW also stops production in Regensburg due to lack of chips002559

German Handelsblatt: Car maker: BGH strengthens diesel plaintiffs: VW claims compensation even after car sales

Compensation after the diesel scandal A switch premium paid by the dealership does not have to be offset against the compensation, according to the BGH. (Photo: dpa) Karlsruhe Diesel plaintiffs who have since resold their cars are also entitled to compensation from Volkswagen. The German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe ruled on Tuesday… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car maker: BGH strengthens diesel plaintiffs: VW claims compensation even after car sales

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: VW triples delivery figures for e-cars002490

VW brand electric cars Volkswagen plans to sell more than a million e-powered cars for the first time this year. (Photo: dpa) Wolfsburg Volkswagen is making better and better progress in selling its new electric cars. In the second quarter, global deliveries tripled compared to the same period last year to a good 110,000 purely… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: VW triples delivery figures for e-cars002490

German Handelsblatt: Bilanzcheck: “Our lead should be two to three years”: How Volkswagen is tackling the next upheaval002475

Düsseldorf Herbert Diess certifies a bright future for the automotive industry. Because the electric drive makes vehicles cleaner and safer thanks to autonomous driving, interest in one’s own car is likely to increase significantly in the foreseeable future. “I am very optimistic about the future auto business,” said the Volkswagen CEO to the Handelsblatt. But… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Bilanzcheck: “Our lead should be two to three years”: How Volkswagen is tackling the next upheaval002475

German Handelsblatt: VW diesel scandal: Volkswagen looks bad in dispute with fired engineers 002432

Cologne Gunnar Kilian left no doubt when he announced the expulsions: “The reason for the measures are serious misconduct,” said Volkswagen’s Chief Human Resources Officer on August 17, 2018. Finally – so suggested Kilian – the carmaker had identified those who were primarily responsible for the diesel scandal. Five men and one woman received their… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: VW diesel scandal: Volkswagen looks bad in dispute with fired engineers 002432

German Handelsblatt: Battery manufacturer: Cell factory in Bitterfeld wobbles: Daimler partner Farasis is struggling with serious problems002429

Munich Battery cells for electric cars are a scarce commodity. The car manufacturer Daimler therefore obtains the coveted goods from a large number of suppliers such as the South Korean groups LG Chem and SK Innovation. The Mercedes manufacturer maintains a particularly close alliance with two suppliers from China, which goes far beyond a traditional… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Battery manufacturer: Cell factory in Bitterfeld wobbles: Daimler partner Farasis is struggling with serious problems002429

German Handelsblatt: Interview with Oliver Blume: Porsche takes over Bugatti: “The brand doesn’t really fit VW” 002365

Oliver Blume The Porsche boss expects the joint venture at Bugatti to give new momentum to electric cars. (Photo: Porsche) Stuttgart The sports car manufacturer Porsche is pushing its business with electric cars, but does not want to completely forego the business with the internal combustion engine. “The focus is on the electrification of our… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Interview with Oliver Blume: Porsche takes over Bugatti: “The brand doesn’t really fit VW” 002365

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW draws level with Tesla: Car maker starts wireless software updates

Interior of an ID.3 from Volkswagen The new software updates turn the screen on the dashboard into a control center. (Photo: Volkswagen) Wolfsburg What Tesla has been able to do for years, Volkswagen finally wants to be able to do. The Wolfsburg-based company is slowly approaching the topic of comprehensive software updates “over the air”… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW draws level with Tesla: Car maker starts wireless software updates