Auto parts supplier: Continental pays less bonus to employees

Continental The auto parts supplier had a rather weak year. (Photo: AP) HannoverThe automotive supplier and tire manufacturer Continental showered less success rates to its employees, For the financial year 2018, the employees should work in Germany each received about 750 euros, the company said on Wednesday in Hannover. Total pays the DaxGroup 150 million… Continue reading Auto parts supplier: Continental pays less bonus to employees

Dax aktuell: Dax starts slightly weaker – Daimler under pressure

Dax panel Also on Ash Wednesday bank stocks remain under surveillance. (Photo: AP) FrankfurtAt Ash Wednesday, equity investors are starting to take a slow approach at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange: the German leading index starts slightly lower at 11,593 points. On Tuesday evening had the Dax closed at 11,621 points and a slight gain of… Continue reading Dax aktuell: Dax starts slightly weaker – Daimler under pressure

Auto parts supplier: Schaeffler increases conversion speed and wants to delete 900 jobs

Assembly in the Schweinfurt factory The European plants are to be rearranged, small parts of the business to be sold. (Photo: Bloomberg) MunichThe pressure on the SchaefflerGroup comes from two sides: On the one hand, the automotive supplier like many competitors suffers from the weak economy in the automotive industry. Last year, the family-owned company… Continue reading Auto parts supplier: Schaeffler increases conversion speed and wants to delete 900 jobs

Schaeffler CEO Klaus Rosenfeld: “Five European locations are being put to the test”

Klaus Rosenfeld “We want to avoid redundancies due to operating conditions.” (Photo: AP) The industry is weakening, margins continue to crumble: the SchaefflerCorporation wants to accelerate its transformation with a new corporate program, In doing so, five plants in Europe will be put to the disposition. In addition, investments should be geared even more towards… Continue reading Schaeffler CEO Klaus Rosenfeld: “Five European locations are being put to the test”

Norwegian sovereign wealth fund: The world’s largest oil fund has halved its stake in Volkswagen

Stockholm, DusseldorfThe world’s largest oil fund out Norway has his stake in Volkswagen halved last year. As from the list published on Wednesday about all holdings of the world largest sovereign wealth fund shows this end of 2017 VWShares valued at eleven billion kroner (1.1 billion euros). At the end of last year, there were… Continue reading Norwegian sovereign wealth fund: The world’s largest oil fund has halved its stake in Volkswagen

Categorized as Automotive Tagged

Cooperation with Gaz: Why VW is on hold in Russia

Production at Gaz The Wolfsburg VW Group would like to expand its cooperation with the Russian truck partner Gaz. (Photo: Bloomberg / Getty Images) MoscowVW gets impatient: The car company is waiting for the end of negotiations between the US government and Representatives of the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska on the lifting of sanctions against… Continue reading Cooperation with Gaz: Why VW is on hold in Russia

Car manufacturer: VW announces shortages in Zwickau due to delivery bottlenecks

Production at Volkswagen in Zwickau Overall, Volkswagen employs around 8,000 people at the plant. (Photo: AP) ZwickauThe carmaker Volkswagen has registered short-time working for several hundred employees in Zwickau. Reason are supply bottlenecks at suppliers, stated VWSpokesman on Monday with request. This affects the production and thus the shift planning. Earlier, “Radio Zwickau” reported. According… Continue reading Car manufacturer: VW announces shortages in Zwickau due to delivery bottlenecks

Geneva Motor Show: These are the novelties of Geneva – from A like Aston Martin to V like Volkswagen

CologneWith the Geneva Motor Show, the car year 2019 starts. This year, there are new small cars with bestseller potential, numerous model lifts and exciting studies to see. Visitors will have to go in vain for Ford brand cars, Hyundai. Opel and Volvo search – these manufacturers refrain this year to visit Geneva. An overview.… Continue reading Geneva Motor Show: These are the novelties of Geneva – from A like Aston Martin to V like Volkswagen

Car manufacturer: BMW pays 8.5 million euros fine in the diesel scandal

BMW The car maker comes in the diesel scandal with a fine. (Photo: AP) DusseldorfBMW must because of misconduct in the diesel scandal pay a fine of 8.5 million euros. As the public prosecutor informed Munich on Monday, the authority issued the penalty notice for an administrative offense of negligent breach of duty. BMW have… Continue reading Car manufacturer: BMW pays 8.5 million euros fine in the diesel scandal

Comment: VW should accommodate German diesel customers

Volkswagen logo The Group would benefit from a new relationship of trust between German customers. (Photo: AP) It is a huge number: a good 28 billion euros has the Volkswagen Group now have to cover the diesel affair. Other companies would have been in deep crisis in the face of such a burden. But it… Continue reading Comment: VW should accommodate German diesel customers