Portrait of VW Works Council: Bernd Osterloh – the last representative of Volkswagen’s old corporate culture

WolfsburgAnd then Alexander Wilke tells the trick with the underground car park. Wilke is in front of 300 works councils of the VolkswagenGroup, without suit, but in jeans and with gray mottled hair. He can talk, and he can also be suspenseful. Wilke, head of communications at Thyssen-Krupp, accompanied the cultural change there and should… Continue reading Portrait of VW Works Council: Bernd Osterloh – the last representative of Volkswagen’s old corporate culture

Comment: The arrest of Audi CEO Stadler is a debacle for VW

The Munich public prosecutor has a remarkable timing: in time for the meeting of the Volkswagen-Supervisory Council in Wolfsburg on Monday She had Rupert Stadler arrested, Now he is sitting AudiChief in custody. The days of Stadler at Audi are numbered: He was on leave – provisionally, according to Handelsblatt information sales boss Bram Schot… Continue reading Comment: The arrest of Audi CEO Stadler is a debacle for VW

Volkswagen: VW designers have to cut costs – CEO Diess continues its austerity

VW prototype Sedric In the design department, VW boss Diess uses the red pencil. (Photo: AP) Potsdam Peter Wouda strokes his fingers over the “Volkswagen” lettering on the Self-propelled model Sedric emblazoned. Earlier, he explains VW-Designer, you have also crafted the brand names for the prototypes by hand. Today, the lettering comes from the 3D… Continue reading Volkswagen: VW designers have to cut costs – CEO Diess continues its austerity

Diesel scandal: crime scene Daimler – The precipitous crash of Dieter Zetsche

Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, StuttgartAs often was Dieter Zetsche not already in Berlin to talk to the greats of politics. Zetsche has noted more than 20 meetings with Chancellor Angela Merkel, her Head of Chancellery or the Economics, Environment and Transport Ministers in his calendar. It was discreet, details of the discussions remained confidential. It was… Continue reading Diesel scandal: crime scene Daimler – The precipitous crash of Dieter Zetsche

Logistics Group: Deutsche Post maintains production plans for street scooters

Street scooter of Deutsche Post At the end of May, the group had opened a new street scooter factory for 250 employees. (Photo: picture alliance / Rolf Vennenbe) Aachen / BonnDie German postal service want after the Departure of Innovation Board Jürgen Gerdes cling to their production plans for the electric delivery truck Streetscooter. Gerdes’… Continue reading Logistics Group: Deutsche Post maintains production plans for street scooters

New EU test procedure: VW can build up to 250,000 cars later

Freight train with VW vehicles Possible effects of the WLPT test procedure are taken into account in the business outlook for 2018, says the carmaker. (Photo: AP) HamburgVolkswagen Due to the conversion to the new exhaust gas measurement cycles, there are delays in the production and delivery of hundreds of thousands of vehicles. “We anticipate… Continue reading New EU test procedure: VW can build up to 250,000 cars later

Mobility start-up: Carrier broker Gett collects $ 80 million from VW and Co.

The taxi app “Gett” Gett is to become a central building block of the VW mobility services business under the Moia brand. (Photo: AP) New York agent Gett gets $ 80 million in fresh money Volkswagen and other recent investors. The start-up was valued at a total of 1.4 billion dollars, said founder and boss… Continue reading Mobility start-up: Carrier broker Gett collects $ 80 million from VW and Co.

Battery manufacturer: Daimler supplier Akasol plans IPO in June

FrankfurtThe Darmstadt-based battery system provider Akasol plans to go public in June. This was announced by the company on Tuesday. According to insiders, shares worth 100 to 125 million euros are to be sold to investors. In the IPO Akasol should be valued at 400 to 500 million euros. Akasol’s majority shareholder Sven Schulz wants… Continue reading Battery manufacturer: Daimler supplier Akasol plans IPO in June

Difficult last year of office: These five problems must solve Daimler CEO Zetsche

Dieter Zetsche The Daimler CEO is facing major challenges. (Photo: AFP / Getty Images) Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, FrankfurtAll headlights are aimed at him. Before you start, smile Dieter Zetsche again briefly. He finally knows what’s coming. “Hey Mercedes, tell me a joke,” he says Daimler-Chef in front of 400 invited guests at the premiere of the… Continue reading Difficult last year of office: These five problems must solve Daimler CEO Zetsche

Flue gas scandal: Transport Minister Scheuer threatens Daimler with fines of nearly four billion euros

Scouring and Zetsche 5000 Euro order money per vehicle? (Photo: AP) HamburgFür Daimler it comes in the diesel scandal possibly schlüppeldick: Should be true that the car company similar to competitors Volkswagen has cheated on exhaust emissions, threatens the Stuttgartern according to a magazine report, a fine of almost four billion euros. Der Spiegel reported… Continue reading Flue gas scandal: Transport Minister Scheuer threatens Daimler with fines of nearly four billion euros