Deutsche Bahn and BVG: Berlin wants to test autonomous buses on public roads

The German Railways and the Berlin public transport want to promote autonomous driving in the capital and extend the current test operation to public roads. Berlin already has a pilot project for autonomous buses.

April 12, 2018, 07:18

Deutsche Bahn und Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe kooperieren beim autonomen Fahren.

Deutsche Bahn and Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe cooperate in autonomous driving.
(Photo: BVG)

Deutsche Bahn (DB) and Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) want autonomous driving with a self-driving minibus as an on-demand solution test, In the future, users will be able to call the vehicle via app, which no longer just runs on a fixed route according to the timetable. So mobility is to be made possible from door to door in combination with trains and buses.

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In the pilot project Pole Position on the Euref campus in Berlin-Schöneberg becomes the minibus of the manufacturer Easymile be on the move. The electric bus can also be charged inductively. Later, the test operation is to be extended to public roads. However, no suitable route seems to have been found yet.

“With this last-mile ride-sharing offer, we are optimally completing the train and bus, so that the volume of traffic in cities can be greatly reduced without restricting individual mobility,” said Deutsche Bahn board member Berthold Huber. BVG boss Sigrid Nikutta added: “The public transport will provide tailor-made solutions and make the own car superfluous for most people.” The Stimulate project is already creating autonomous minibuses on the grounds of the Charité in Berlin the BVG tested.

With its Ioki brand, Deutsche Bahn brings on-demand mobility and autonomous driving to public transport. Ioki offers all services from a single source so that cities or municipal authorities can operate on-demand mobility services in their own name in public transport.

The planned Berlin transport service is not the only project that Deutsche Bahn and Ioki are testing. In Frankfurt am Main is a driving service tested, in which an electrically operated Tuk Tuk comes to order. The vehicle is also ordered via app on the smartphone. The tuk tuks commute between the 32 Frankfurt DB locations, unlike conventional taxis where other passengers can board. Passengers with similar routes are automatically bundled into carpools.

The Berlin public transport companies want together with the Mercedes subsidiary Viavan to offer a driving servicein which human drivers are still traveling. Passengers call a minibus via app and can be brought to their destination together with others. Viavan is a joint venture of the automaker Daimler and the New Yorker Fahrdienst Via.

Topics Pages:

Autonomous driving
Connected driving
German Railways

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