German FAZ: Fresh Fuffziger004068

When everything gets more expensive, it may be the hour of the little seducers. The chances of a hot autumn in the overcrowded market for small all-rounders for the city, commuting and weekend trips are better than ever, we wrote at the introduction of the young Fiesta generation, which is now being refreshed to ward off mid-life crises. Better said, a streamlining, because nothing is as it was. The clientele is oriented towards higher-lying siblings, who in the house of Ford listen to the name Puma.

Holger Apple

Editor in business, responsible for “Technology and Motor”.


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In one’s own environment, the shift to the electric does not diminish the competition, and a question of to be or not to be looms on the horizon. Small cars with internal combustion engines are becoming unprofitable due to increasingly expensive exhaust gas technology and could soon be a thing of the past, but electric cars will not take off in the future either because they are unaffordable for normal earners. The Volkswagen brand boss has just given up hope that a battery-powered small car will soon be available from Wolfsburg for around 20,000 euros. Rather, given the running away raw material prices, the framework is more in the direction of 25,000 euros. How far Ford is in the Polo Fiesta class, we do not know with a reliability that allowed us to send the readers on a safe track. In any case, the people of Cologne with American parents have so far been reluctant to go under electricity. Maybe they know why.

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