German FAZ: A winged place005145

Alpine A 110 R: Front lip, rear wing, in between a few whoops
Image: manufacturer

The sharpest Alpine under the tricolor is a winged spot. With R in the gene and driving pleasure made by women, it is aimed at enthusiasts. And on the race track at the weekend.

The European idea is not so boundless, and patriotism does not even cost extra. “French flag on the C-pillar” is the sober description in the list of options for the not at all sober Alpine, which in the sign of blue, white and red inspires the hexagon about as much as a Porsche in the black, red and gold neighboring country . Between Flensburg and Saarbrücken such an Alpine is exotic, from Metz westwards the number of registrations changes rapidly, even the gendarmerie call 26 units their own for their rapid reaction force.

Holger Apple

Editor in business, responsible for “Technology and Engine”.


I follow

There are already three stages of the French people’s rocket, now the branch from Dieppe number 4, which belongs to Renault’s cosmos, ignites. There are plenty of them, on the hood, roof and diffuser, even the rear window has lost its glass existence and is now made of opaque carbon fiber. The tight diet sheds kilo by kilo until a lightweight is on the street.

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