German FAZ: The green one with the currywurst005271

“I’d rather lose my hand than vote for the Greens,” says one and Frank Bsirske, the local member of the Bundestag, a Green, nods understandingly. The Greens don’t have an easy time here in Wolfsburg. There are many cars and few cargo bikes, many chimneys and not that many wind turbines. But Bsirske is the big exception for the people here, because he prefers currywurst to avocado bowls. He’s one of them. For twenty years he was head of Verdi, and even though he now represents the Greens in the Bundestag, they say: “You remain a trade unionist for life.”

Livia Gerster

Editor in the politics of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.


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Bsirske invited works councils from the region to breakfast: geriatric nurses, VW workers, city employees. And they openly complain about the Greens, about the “high earners’ party”, and above all about the “warmongering party”. They are very concerned about the arms shipments to Ukraine, and they are particularly suspicious of the role played by the Greens in this. One of the works council members says: “I don’t deny anyone the right to self-defense, but I don’t want to be dragged into World War III.” Murmurs of agreement. All eyes on Bsirske.

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