German FAZ: “Our main opponents are the problems in the country”006387

Meeting in the Bundestag: Ricarda Lang (Greens) and Friedrich Merz (CDU) on Wednesday in Berlin
Image: Andreas Pein

Green party leader Ricarda Lang is arguing with opposition leader Friedrich Merz about what went wrong with the heating law, whether Germany is threatened with de-industrialization and who is leading a culture war.

Mr. Merz, how is it for you to sit next to the boss of the declared main opponent in the government?

Merz: We talk and discuss with each other.

Ms. Lang, what do you think of your party being declared the main opponent?

Lang: The day after the AfD won a district office in Thuringia, I found that a bit surprising. But I don’t think the term opponent is that bad. There are no enemies among democrats, there are political opponents. But I would say that our main opponents are the problems in the country, and we like to compete for the right solution.

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