German FAZ: In a good mood006572

We recently wrote in the long driving report on the bright green Porsche 911 T that two happy-eyed schoolgirls said at the strawberry stand: “But you have a nice car, enjoy the drive.” designed for young people looking at life, but as a clumsy attempt to whitewash a Porsche. From a minority who constantly write letters to the editor, but that’s what the other readers get out of it.

Holger Apple

Editor in business, responsible for “Technology and Motor”.


I follow

We were also at that strawberry stand with the new electric VW ID Buzz, but we’re keeping the lovely conversation with the young mother to ourselves. Just this much: She drives a T 6 diesel, that is the classic VW bus that has millions of followers around the world and will be discontinued in mid-2024 due to legal hurdles.

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