German FAZ: New funding round for heating replacement starts006988

From this Tuesday, other groups can apply for government funding to replace old gas and oil heating systems with more climate-friendly alternatives. The procedure is now also possible for private owners of apartment buildings – i.e. landlords – and for homeowners’ associations with central heating, for example, as the responsible development bank KfW and the Federal Ministry of Economics announced. Owners of existing single-family homes who live in them themselves have been able to do so since February 27th Apply for support for the change. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, around 27,000 applications have been received so far. Private landlords of single-family homes, as well as owners in homeowners’ associations who want to replace the heating in their own apartment, start in August. Municipalities and companies can then also submit applications.Criticism of the process by Haus und GrundA maximum of 70 percent of funding is possible – depending on the requirements. 30 percent is earmarked for everyone, whether residential or commercial. According to the ministry, there is also an efficiency bonus of an additional 5 percent for heat pumps that use water, soil or wastewater as a heat source or that use a natural refrigerant. By 2028, there will be a speed bonus of 20 percent for the early replacement of old gas and Oil heaters as well as night storage heaters and old biomass heaters for owner-occupied owners. Thereafter, the speed bonus will shrink by 3 percentage points every two years, initially to 17 percent from January 2029. For owners with an annual taxable household income of up to 40,000 euros who live in their property themselves, an income bonus of 30 percent will be added. A surcharge of 2,500 euros is granted for biomass heating systems if they comply with a certain dust emission limit.More on the topicHomeowners who have a commitment to replace the heating system from the KfW can apply for a low-interest KfW development loan from a credit institution – usually the house bank. Anyone who gets started before August 31st can still apply for funding afterwards, up until November 30th. Criticism of the process is voiced by the house and reason. “The already complex funding becomes even more confusing due to the staggered start of applications.” The owners’ association also pointed out that money would not be paid out until September. According to the ministry, if the application is submitted via the KfW portal, a confirmation will be given after just a few minutes if the documents are complete and if successful. The money is thus reserved. The Federal Association of Consumer Organizations (vzbv), however, praised the process, saying it has become faster and more consumer-friendly. “We assume that the resources are adequate.” The Central Association for Sanitation, Heating and Air Conditioning advises interested parties to take action. Delivery problems among manufacturers and craftsmen are a thing of the past, assures managing director Helmut Bramann. Anyone who waits until plans for municipal heat planning are in place risks having to impose new requirements. “Therefore: act now, also in view of the increasingly narrow scope in future federal budgets. Who knows how long the currently excellent funding backdrop will last.” The funding must be secured beyond 2024, demands energy and construction expert Thomas Engelke from vzbv. “Since the budgetary funds for this have to be added to the federal budget every year, the Federal Minister of Finance must ensure exactly that.” He warned of uncertainty among consumers if there was another funding stop or a reduction in funding. Because subsidies are only available as long as the funding has not been exhausted. “We assume that the funds are adequate,” said a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Economics. According to the ministry, around 16 billion euros are earmarked for federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG) for the current year, which also includes other renovation measures such as insulating roofs or replacing windows.
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