German FAZ: Tachograph 007045

Recalls 2023Last year, the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) recorded 13,518 recalls on cars. The largest proportion, 5,056 recalls, were due to defective vehicle parts or components. They account for more than a third of recalls (37.4%). As Allianz Direct explains in an analysis of the recalls, airbags were among the most frequently complained about vehicle parts with 1,358 recalls and a share of 10 percent of the total recalls. Behind the defective vehicle parts were incorrectly installed vehicle parts with 1,718 recalls (13.18%). in second place with the most recalls, followed by problems with accessories and additional equipment (756 recalls, 5.59%). Recalls also included exhaust filters (3.98%), fuel systems (3.54%), safety systems (3.45%), fluids and leaks (2.94%), vehicle performance (2.84%) and steering systems (2. 65%) responsible. 
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