German FAZ: Almost 65,000 grants have already been promised for this year007433

Since the beginning of the year, almost 65,000 applications for funding for climate-friendly heating have been approved. This emerges from a response from the Green Party-led Federal Ministry of Economics to the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, which was available to the Reuters news agency on Tuesday. This is the current status as of July 28th. Figures on the funding volume were not given. In the KTF climate fund, expenditure of 16.7 billion euros is planned for this year for federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG), which will, for example, promote the replacement of windows or heating systems. Only a “subordinate role” for the use of hydrogenThe Union’s small inquiry also shows that the traffic light government made up of the SPD, Greens and FDP only assigns a “minor role” to the use of hydrogen in decentralized heat generation. “However, the use of hydrogen boilers or hydrogen cogeneration systems in buildings that are not connected to a heating network and in which heat pumps cannot be operated efficiently can represent a necessary technology option if there are already large hydrogen buyers in the neighborhood and there is a sufficient supply of hydrogen is available at low prices.”More on the topicAccording to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, a second district heating summit is being planned, following the first meeting in June 2023. In addition, the regulation on the supply of district heating is to be revised. “The draft amendment includes in particular regulations to strengthen consumer rights and transparency, to stabilize the economic framework for the efficient expansion and decarbonization of heating networks, as well as to adapt to advancing digitalization.” The cabinet should, if possible, give the green light for this in August. The measures are scheduled to come into force in the second half of the year. Around 15 percent of households in Germany and many industrial companies are connected to the existing district heating network.
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