German FAZ: Capri-Sonne defies the EU straw ban007539

In addition to the Tango ball from Adidas and the VW Beetle, the children’s drink Capri-Sonne is also one of the classics of German brand history. From Eppelheim near Heidelberg, the company now known as Capri-Sun has created a product that, for many, tastes like a child’s birthday party, outdoor pool or climbing hall: sweet, a bit of fruit aroma, filled in foldable silver paper, sucked through a drinking straw. And around it Drinking straws are now also on the agenda, because Roland Weening, the global boss of Capri-Sun, not only intends to produce what he says is the “most sustainable and tastiest children’s drink in the world” (by the way, still at the starting point in Eppelheim), but also to bring the drinking feeling back to that to adapt the original ones. With the ban on single-use plastic straws in the European Union, the product changed very significantly. External content from Opinary In order to display external content, your revocable consent is required. Personal data from third-party platforms (possibly USA) may be processed. More information. Activate external contentThe paper alternative becomes soft when you drink it. Sucking the sticky liquid loses its radiance. “This annoys many customers,” Weening told the Swiss “Sonntagszeitung”. Many other media outlets picked up on this statement. Capri-Sun now wants to take an interesting path: at least in Switzerland, where the company’s current headquarters and the residence of the owner Hans-Peter Wild (a passionate rugby patron) are located, the company wants to use plastic straws again. More on the topic “This The ban on plastic tubes is well-intentioned, but in our case it makes no sense at all,” said Weening, who is himself Dutch, in practiced Swiss German vocabulary. The Coop and Migros retail chains already have their own brands in their range, which are significantly cheaper and come with plastic straws. Weening is therefore aiming for an exemption from the EU Commission for the Swiss market. The company now wants to do without the non-slip aluminum packaging on its own initiative. Two drinking bag models made of polypropylene are in preparation. They could then be disposed of in plastic waste and recycled. The future solution should make it possible to dispose of the packaging and tubes in the same place,” says the manager. Only when it comes to the question of the recipe does the scope seem to be limited. So far, Capri-Sun has offered variants that are adapted to the national sugar limit values ​​- in Switzerland they are significantly higher due to the lack of specifications.
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