German FAZ: Reason for optimism007607

German mechanical engineers consider their home country to be the most attractive research location in the world. And industrial companies secured more orders in July for the second month in a row. Both current news stories do not fit into the picture of a collapsing industry that has often been painted in recent days. Without wanting to sugarcoat the economic situation, it remains to be seen that the overall picture is more complex: technological change is currently challenging and overwhelming important sectors. The federal government has done too little to ensure a competitive location and has unsettled companies. And China’s weak demand and overproduction are hitting Germany harder than other countries. The new autumn forecasts show that stagnation is the result this year. But: The German economy, with its adaptable medium-sized companies and innovative world market leaders, is stronger than it often seems at the moment. Confidence in your strengths and belief in progress help more than complaining and panic.
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