German FAZ: VW boss: Situation is alarming – “stand firmly by Germany as a location”007635

The entire European car industry is in a situation that has never been seen before. “And the economic environment has worsened again, especially for the VW brand,” said Blume. But there will be no clear-cutting: “We are firmly committed to Germany as a location, because Volkswagen has shaped entire generations. We have employees whose grandfathers worked at Volkswagen. I want your grandchildren to still be able to work here too.” At the same time, the manager appealed to the will to change: “Volkswagen also has the word dare in it. We have to dare something again: dare to succeed.”Europe’s largest car manufacturer had announced that, in view of the worsening situation, it would once again tighten the austerity measures taken at the core VW brand. A factory closure in Germany and redundancies for operational reasons are no longer ruled out.
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