German FAZ: The Richard David Precht of the campfire008677

Monday was never considered a primary favorite day. This week, however, his sadness is particularly intensive: we experience a sad picture of permanent mutual allegations, blame, skills crossing, insults, group formation, only moderately successfully completed tasks and a noticeably increasing dissatisfaction with fans. But enough of internal transfer window activities at Borussia Dortmund. We come to the day in the jungle camp. A universal genius that can be founded a non -fiction publisher for any facts from the standing and hold after -filling proseminars. In the past few days, Edith had already staged as a cross-recipe and ingredients kitchen koryphae, but then served the group gourmet creations, for which Tim Mälzer would be banned from cooking and would find a new star category for the Guide Michelin: the minus Stern.Ihr no longer fly to the hearts after Edith sometimes spends more time to explain fellow campaigns what you shouldn’t do when cooking when she would need to fly back to Germany, 40 packs at Frankfurt Airport vegan chicken To buy McNuggets so that it is due to Australia and distribute them to the hungry camp neighbor. Not that of the spectators, in which she has now even outclassed Sam Dylan’s examination care infestation in the uninvitation ranking. And it ranks at the reputation level of a marriage piger who beats up sealing babies according to hobby. With the lifeless bodies of their own handhuffed cats. Of them, you get the impression that they would be exchanged for a good dose of holding mush bags at any time that Edith would then have to nibble on for the rest of their jungle camp days. But the jungle life is not a dream concert, and so Edith remain enough broadcasting-relevant freedom to demonstrate her competence as a dermatologist according to her grill diploma. When Lilly Becker, apparently not sufficiently familiar with the “Feuer” concept, burns on a charred piece of campfire tree trunk, Edith Stehfest screams for minutes by the camp as if the rondel at the campfire were an emergency room and Dr. Meredith Gray, a few seconds before a life -saving emergency surgery on the open heart. Of course, one has to admit: from brand new medical innovation treatment methods such as “Dip the hand in the water for at least 15 minutes” could probably even Dr. Derek Shepherd, Dr. House and Dr. Alban learn something else. Anna-Carina takes part of the jungle exam: Pierre Sanoussi-Blissdpaam Other end of the intellectual food chain Jörg Dahlmann holds formal law tutorials on the subject of contract law. In lecture hall I of the RTL university for career-neutral jungle students, Timur ülker and Maurice Dziwak are diligently noticed. Private lecturer Dahlmann is initially devoted to paragraph 1408 of the Civil Code (BGB): the marriage contract. For important occasion. Olker and Dziwak are about to be wedding. So, not their common, otherwise Professor Dahlmann would probably reject the teaching position. No: Both plan to marry their respective life partner promptly. Both at the same time reject a marriage contract. Jura-Einstein Dahlmann immediately threatens with withdrawal of the false freedom: “No! You have to think about that! That is very important! ”However, ülker and Dziwak remain steadfast. For different reasons. Ülker sees his love inviolable: “I have loved her for twelve years, and it will always stay that way!” While Dziwak, the question primarily looks at the question: “Marriage contract may be important if you are billionaire, but I only have an Opel Corsa ! “By the way, named after the first jungle king. Exactly: Corsa Cordalis. “You also have to pay maintenance!” Trump fan and full rights scientist Dahlmann remains hard: “No marriage contract, that drives many men to ruin! Many think, okay, then you share everything Fifty-Fifty. But it is not done! You also have to pay maintenance! ”As a striking example, he briefly explains how his own divorce would have almost economically eliminated in the absence of a marriage contract. Now, of course, one could say that in addition to the marriage contract, it would not have been a mistake if Dahlmann had also looked into his employment contract with Sky on the occasion to avoid relegation to the jungle camp. Basically, I can understand Dahlmann’s fear of marriages without a marriage contract. It is simply too unfair: the woman briefly sacrifices her own career in favor of that of the man, pulls the children together for 20 to 25 years and then wants to be supported financially in the event of a separation. That is scandalous! The neutral spectator on the domestic couch discovers how musically gifted Jörg Dahlmann is. He has learned some instruments and, for example, not only plays the flat pipe perfectly, but also the ass violin. In the meantime, Timur wants to announce that he is not only an anti-marriage contract, but also an anti-vegetarian. When the content of the food ration of the day is read (salad, pumpkin, paramedic, oyster mushrooms, dollar), the food chain inczubi asks: “No meat?” But okay. Anyone who holds GZSZ actors for actors also thinks dozen for fruit. Makes “the Sam Dylan”: Anna-Carina Woitschackrtlals then arrives at the food, you-you probably guessed it-not far from Edith-Steffen Stehfest-Henssler. Today with the evergreen: “People, you do it wrong! You can’t cut oyster mushrooms! ”Yes! This is the case in the law. The “P” in “Paragraph” stands for “mushroom rule”. And it says: “Anyone who cuts or cuts oyster mushrooms or cuts them or cuts or separated oyster mushrooms is not punished with prison under two years.” A perfect “coalation” – or, as is called, the newer case law perpetrator that is called in Criminal proceedings on oyster mushroom cutting offices were spoken for guilty, meanwhile punished much more harder than originally intended by the legislator. Often you get an endangering, at which Edith Stehfest explains every day for six hours why you are not allowed to cut ribs. Sam Dylan considers this duo to be “the perfect coalation or what that means!” And that is exactly how it means. After all, we are surrounded in Australia and therefore of cute coala bears. A species of the bag mammals, as everyone knows, always appear in the duo. Like Christian Lindner and Migraine or Thorsten Legat and Kasalla. Two stars are better than nothing! Anna-Carina Woitschack and Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss are only moderately successful in their jungle exam. In the exam scenario, Anna-Carina initially refuses out of fear of starting the necessary diving exercises in a water container. After Pierre agreed to exchange the tasks with her, she thanks him and the hungry camp community with the fact that she completes her task, which is primarily to find any signs in the sand with words, at a speed Otherwise, tortoise with broken fin feet blindly racing with a 90 percent climb. The result is correspondingly sobering. Schlager-Schlachtross Anna-Carina can also get something positive from the manageable result of her exam efforts: “Two stars are better than nothing!” Of course. That happens before. In the test, fail, or as one calls it among jungle experts: “Make the Sam Dylan”. So there are only opulent star stories. Today of Lilly Becker, who tells the amazed Maurice Dziwak, who she has already met: “Michael Jackson, Kayne West, Beyoncé, David Beckham, Elton John!” ? ”What is not an exceptionally charming question. Lilly Becker would like to know slightly piked: “How old do you think of me? I am 48 and not 108! ”Well, the Adam Riese went through with her briefly, but that happens in the zeal of promotional defense. If Lilly were 108, she would have been born in 1917 or 1916. Elvis saw the light of day in 1935. In theory, Lilly could even be his mother. Which would be absurd, but on the other hand it would also be fun. Then Boris Becker would have been the stepfather of Elvis Presley at times. The editors of “Gala” and “Colorful” spontaneously got a rapid heartbreak. It receives the fewest viewers’ calls and should therefore have left the camp according to rules. For unknown reasons, however, RTL is gracious and does not throw out. A reason is not included, and a shocked Edith remains in the camp. Will there be more information tomorrow? Read it here first! See you then!
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