Data and start of December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan occur cases of unknown pneumonia.27. January 2020BIM automotive supplier Webasto in Bavaria, the first case of a COVID 19 disease in Germany becomes known. Full up to the top: freight and passenger aircraft flew to Germany with respiratory protection masks, a vaccine had to be developed. February 2020in of the night is the first Coronavirus patient in Hesse, a 31-year-old man from Wetzlar. March 2020da’s Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs issues a ban on events with more than 1000 participants. March 2020 The spread of the Coronavirus remain closed from this day until after the Easter holidays of daycare centers and schools. Because nobody knew what would come: The shop shelves were swept empty in the early stage of pandemic, as this picture of a Frankfurt Rewe supermarket in March 2020 shows. Diana Cabrera Rojas18. March, 2020, the Hessian state government decides to interrupt the infection chains that bars, clubs, pubs and other localities have to be closed. Club meetings and services are prohibited. 20. March 2020the state government decides that only meetings with a maximum of five people can take place. Restaurants and restaurants are closed. 23. March 2020tie cities Frankfurt and Hanau and the district of Marburg-Biedenkopf issued orders against so-called hamster purchases: consumers can only purchase customary quantities from toilet paper, for example. Outside: Contacts should be limited to a minimum; And the social life of millions of people crumbled. March 2020 of the state parliament unanimously passed the supplementary budget of two billion euros for the country’s rescue umbrella and decides to loosen the debt brake. 7. April 2020tie Fraport AG closes Terminal 2 of the Frankfurt Airport. Frankfurt is now testing residents and staff of old people’s and nursing homes and other care facilities for the virus. To this end, the city had a regular bus converted into a mobile test center.
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