VW is on leave from Plenipotentiary

In the affair about exhaust gas tests on monkeys, the VW Group has the first consequences: Chief lobbyist Thomas Steg is on leave. He took full responsibility.

Thomas Steg

Getty Images / Volkswagen

Thomas Steg

Tuesday, 30.01.2018
14:00 clock

Because of the scandal about questionable exhaust gas tests, a first manager has to go to Volkswagen. Thomas Steg, who was responsible for external relations and sustainability of the group, will be released from his duties until the complete clarification of the events, said Volkswagen. An appropriate offer of web had accepted the board on Tuesday.

Volkswagen was criticized for diesel emissions testing with monkeys. “We are in the process of thoroughly examining the work of the EUGT, which was dissolved in 2017, and to draw all the necessary conclusions from it,” said Group CEO Matthias Müller. “Mr. Steg has declared that he takes full responsibility, and I respect that.”

The European Research Association for Environment and Health in the Transport Sector, operated by BMW, Daimler and VW (EUGT) had funded tests with monkeys and humans, The subjects had been exposed to nitrogen oxides. Negative consequences should not have had the attempts for her. VW has distanced himself from the attempts and apologized for it. CEO Müller had the tests referred to as unacceptable,

Hendricks calls attempts irresponsible

From politics there was also on Tuesday fierce criticism of the tests. Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks (SPD) condemned studies on monkeys and humans as unethical. Apparently, some or even several in the auto industry are not aware of their responsibility, said Hendricks in Brussels. They harmed the whole industry.

“What made VW probably leading and together with other car manufacturers in experiments with monkeys in New Mexico and with people in the Federal Republic of Germany, I consider irresponsible,” said Hendricks.

Before his leave of absence, Steg had announced that Volkswagen would forgo animal testing in the future. “We want to absolutely exclude animal experiments for the future, so that something does not happen again,” said Steg the “Bild” newspaper said. The car manufacturer let check what had happened after the experiments with the monkeys, in which state they were handed over and how they are doing today,

Steg had come to VW in 2012 as chief representative. There he should use his excellent contacts in politics. From 2002 to 2009, Steg was deputy government spokesman under Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).

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