Transport operator Bertolami has chosen NAVYA’s AUTONOM SHUTTLES to develop its mobility offer in rural areas

13 November 2018

Transport operator Bertolami has chosen NAVYA’s AUTONOM SHUTTLES to develop its mobility offer in rural areas

Bertolami, a Drôme-based company located in St-Donat-sur-l’Herbasse, is a reference in national and international passenger transport with over 65 years of experience. The Bertolami group has chosen NAVYA to become an actor in the transition towards the end of individual car ownership.

An inauguration at the Bertolami headquarters

On November 12, 2018, the Bertolami company inaugurated with NAVYA their first AUTONOM SHUTTLE, named BERTO001. This day allowed the Bertolami company to have this autonomous vehicle tested by its guests, including Nicolas DARAGON, Mayor of Valence and Vice-President of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region, and many local elected officials and private stakeholders.

A fleet of autonomous shuttles serving rural areas

With the ambition to serve rural areas as well as possible, Bertolami launches BERTO, a service offer dedicated to the autonomous shuttle. The AUTONOM SHUTTLE will be tested from January 2019 in some municipalities and structures including ski resorts, the official list has not yet been communicated.

“[…] the BERTO fleet is the first fleet in France to equip itself with 4-wheel drive equipment enabling it to operate in rural areas with characteristics different from those of cities”, explains Benjamin BEAUDET, Deputy Managing Director of the Voyages Bertolami and Autocars Bertolami companies.

Within the scope of the PACTE law

The French government has the ambition to make France a leader in the field of autonomous vehicles. It is in this sense that the PACTE law (Action Plan for the Growth and Transformation of Enterprises) was passed on 9 October 2018, aimed at broadening and making more flexible the experiments related to autonomous vehicles.

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