Continental & Nvidia want leadership in Autonomous Driving

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The two companies, Continental and Nvidia, agree on a collaboration for autonomous driving.

A new cooperation in the field of autonomous driving is beginning. In doing so, the suppliers want Continentalwho is also the BMW coalition belongs to the Baidu partners and the IT specialist Nvidia cooperate. Nvidia works with many companies, especially the IT hardware in the car, and helped, for example ZF with the ZF ProAI Chip on.

Continental Nvidia Kooperation

Continental Nvidia cooperation. Source: Conti

This cooperation is also about the use of a Artificial intelligence (AI) for autonomous driving. Together, they want to focus on a solution for the sensors, the decisions and control of the vehicle using the AI.

The basis of this development is the Nvidia Drive platform. Building on this, one aims Level 5 – full autonomy – on. The vehicle to be equipped with it will have neither pedals nor a steering wheel – it should be a complete offer. In addition, the Nvidia Drive Xavier and the Drive OS (operating system) are integrated.

Nvidia’s computing power is given as 30 TOPS (trillion operations per second). The system consumes only 30 watts of electricity – less than an old light bulb. Continental introduces sensor technology into the cooperation – from radar about cameras until the lidar, There are also control units.

First of all, it is dedicated to the task of all-round visibility and lane change on the highway. And you want to condense the traffic. The system will have HD cards. How good that Continental recently joined HERE entered is.

Together, they want to put themselves at the leading edge of block building in the industry. Such blocks include the BMW Alliance, Bosch & Mercedes-Benz connection or Waymo with his FCA vehicles.

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