Daimler wants to sell self-driving trucks within ten years

Daimler wants to invest half a billion euros in autonomously driving trucks and create a good 200 jobs for it. Computers should control these vehicles predominantly.

Elektrolastwagen der Marke Freightliner von Daimler

Electric trucks of the brand Freightliner from Daimler

Monday, 07.01.2019
19:18 clock

Half a billion euros invested Daimler in the coming years in the development of highly automated trucks. Within the next ten years, the group wants to bring such a truck on the market, as Daimler announced at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas. 200 additional jobs are to be created in the USA and Germany.

Daimler understands highly automated driving Chart zeigenin that a truck acts alone in demarcated areas. The driver does not necessarily have to intervene. It is the last step before the utter one Automation of vehicles, According to the truck manufacturer, the technology increases safety and provides more transport capacity, since it is possible to use it around the clock.

Daimler is the world market leader for medium and heavy trucks and for the first time introduced the “Future Truck” study in 2014. This year, Daimler wants to launch its first semi-automated truck in the US. For example, the system can brake, accelerate and steer independently. An intermediate step in which the vehicle can act alone, but the driver always has the duty to intervene, wants to skip Daimler. This stage does not offer customers a significant advantage in the transport sector.

With the advancing networking of vehicles, the CES for the German carmaker in recent years as a fair in the US has become almost more important than the car show in Detroit. That’s why Daimler is also using the technology show for the world premiere of its latest truck model for the US market, the Freightliner Cascadia.

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