The Movea Plan is resurrected with 67 million for the electric car

The Movea Plan of help to the electric car resuscitates from its lethargy. The General State Budgets foresee a € 67 million departure for the new Movea Plan of 2019, a departure very similar to the one that was planned to be spent in 2018 but remained in the air due to the blocking of the aid program after the change in Government.

The 67 million budgeted by the Executive of the PSOE for 2019 suppose an increase of 400,000 euros in the budget that had the Movea of ​​2018, which was not put into operation. These 67 million are distributed among 50 million that depend on the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE) and another 17 million consigned in the Ministry of Industry.

Continuity of the aids

The Government situates the Movea in terms of continuity of the plans of previous years, despite the fact that in 2018 it ended up in limbo. The recycling of unspent money will therefore be allocated to the same objectives of encouraging the purchase ofelectric carsor hydrogen and the installation of battery charging points.

The lack of aid to buyers of electric carsimpact on the market, which slowed down and even fell in some monthin the final stretch of 2018. The blockade of funds from the Movea became one of the main demands of the sector, which also demanded the opening of aid for the purchase of cars with low emissions and not only electric.

Source: Global Car

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