Tesla should be able to drive autonomously until the end of the year

Tesla boss Elon Musk believes his vehicles will be able to drive by themselves by the end of the year.

Elon Musk is convinced that it will be ready for serial production by the end of 2019. This could work, Musk said, if the authorities would allow it. However, he did not name a degree of autonomy.


The Tesla boss is not exactly known for his full-bodied promises. That’s the way to go 2015 to 90 percent be on the road autonomously. There were some such deadlines that were not met. You also wanted an automated ride from one coast to the other of the US, which was always postponed. Other industry participants have done so already in 2015.

The latest announcement is also related to a statement by Musk stating that the technology will soon be much further ahead. Next, as previously thought. This also includes the autonomous Park and more features, That way you could fall asleep behind the wheel and wake up at the destination. Indeed Some Tesla travelers are already doing that – much to the displeasure of other traffic participants and the police.

Recently, Musk has announced that the new AI chip will be installed soon. This will enable new capabilities of the controversial autopilot. The whole thing, so Musk in the current statement, have only one catch. He does not know if the authorities were involved. The statements of the boss were not commented by the company.

The autopilot system is due to some mysterious accidents and of Called in the criticism. Someone spoke some time ago GM executives The ability to autonomy of the enterprise, since Tesla does not use Lidarsensoren. Criticized the authorities regarding the latest deadline. This could encourage Tesla travelers to avoid compulsory attention.

source (English)

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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