BMW CEO Krüger still has room for improvement: BMW increases sales, but Mercedes and Audi remain ahead

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BMW CEO Krüger still has room for improvement BMW increases sales, but Mercedes and Audi remain ahead

BMW 3er: Knapp 150.000 Autos konnte BMW im Januar unter seiner Stammmarke verkaufen


BMW 3 Series: BMW was able to sell just under 150,000 cars in January under its regular brand

The carmaker BMW Show stock market chart has started the new year in sales with a gap to the premium competitors Mercedes-Benz and Audi. In January, BMW sold including the small car brand Mini worldwide 169,538 cars and thus 3.8 percent more than a year ago, as the Dax Group announced on Tuesday in Munich.

From the BMW brand, the group 148,400 cars went, that was 3.4 percent more. Competitor Mercedes-Benz had sold 193,414 cars in January. Even the last in the race of the upper class rear VW subsidiary Audi was in January with 149,100 cars just ahead of BMW.

BMW CEO Krüger in an interview: “Number one, everywhere”

BMW boss Harald Krüger had blown recently, however, to hunt for the Stuttgarter. He wants to see Munich ‘s private label at the top again by 2020, as he did in the Interview with manager magazin said, “I commit my team to the goal, even if it is not a walk,” says Krüger. After many years in 2016, BMW lost the top spot to Mercedes.

la / dpa

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