Fusion fantasies are revived: FiatChrysler and Renault boost auto stocks

FiatChrysler, Renault: Das Thema mögliche Fusion ist noch nicht begraben, Anleger spekulieren auf einen neuen Versuch des Zusammenschlusses


FiatChrysler, Renault: The topic of possible merger is not yet buried, investors speculate on a new attempt of the merger

Reinfected fusion fantasies around Fiat Chrysler and Renault Investors have lured in auto stocks on Wednesday. The European car index grew fastest with 1.7 percent among the industry barometers. The German car titles Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW also posted price gains between 2 and 3 percent.

According to Italian media reports, the two companies have after their failed fusion attempt, never let the conversation thread break off, Although the rumors of a possible new merger attempt have been circulated in the market for months, they have now been reinforced by Italian media reports and have had a positive impact on auto stocks. Papers from Fiat Chrysler. Papers from Fiat Chrysler Show stock market chart and Renault Show stock market chart each won about four percent on Wednesday.

According to a report in the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, discussions between the bosses of Renault and Nissan have picked up in recent weeks. The French could therefore ultimately decide their share of Nissan Show stock market chart after the Japanese yield last fell.

Reuters reported in June that a lower Renault stake in Nissan could potentially lead to new talks with Fiat Chrysler. The Italian-American group had withdrawn its $ 35 billion acquisition offer in June and filed allegations against the French government, which holds 15 percent of the shares in Renault.

la / reuters

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