Drivers of large SUVs should pay more: Scholz wants higher taxes on SUVs

Mercedes GLE: Große Geländewagen mit hohem CO2 Ausstoß verkaufen sich nicht nur in den USA gut. Finanzminister Scholz will SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) in Deutschland nun höher besteuern


Mercedes GLE: Large SUVs with high CO2 emissions sell well not only in the US. Finance Minister Scholz wants to tax SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) in Germany now higher

Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) wants to ask drivers of large SUVs to pay more. “If brand-new cars with high CO2 emissions are sold, this must also be clearly reflected in vehicle tax,” Scholz told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” on Friday. In addition, the SPD politician, who also applies for the party presidency, spoke out for stricter standards for building heating.

Citizens would have to adjust to “climate change impacts”, Scholz said. “The little one can not go on.” There will be no solution “from which nobody notices something”. The Minister does not expect social problems – it should be ensured that all citizens cope with the burdens. “Above all, those who do not earn so much, must not think that the climate change makes them financially insoluble problems,” said Scholz.

Higher taxes on SUV, more subsidy for electric cars

In return for additional costs for SUV, the minister wants the report to promote smaller electric cars in addition. So there should be a higher government subsidy for vehicles with a list price of up to 30,000 euros. According to Scholz, the number of charging stations should increase to “more than a million” by 2030, instead of the planned figure of 300,000.

In view of the debate over a CO2 price, Scholz said that, although this should be designed so that “not everyone has to react immediately”. Everyone should know that “the longer you wait, the more expensive it will be”. Hardly anyone would immediately buy a new car or a new heater, “but the next car will have less impact on the environment and the heating systems will have to be renewed much faster.”

For this purpose, Scholz explicitly applies not only subsidy programs but also the law of order. The state should adopt specific requirements, “which standards must meet heaters from 2030”. However, at the same time state funding should help to ensure that “the monthly costs of the new heating remain moderate”.

The German government wants to reach an agreement on climate protection measures by 20 September in order to ensure that German climate targets are achieved. So far, however, for CO2 pricing still important issues are open. The climate policy is also the subject of written consultations of the parties and political groups this week.

la / afp

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