The CO2 hangover – as the automakers present at the IAA: Vegan appetizers instead of Kobe beef – not only VW is thinking about the IAA

VW-Chef Herbert Diess, Elektroauto ID.3 auf der IAA: Es geht auch alles eine Nummer kleiner


VW boss Herbert Diess, electric car ID.3 at the IAA: It’s all a little smaller

The fan of this IAA stands directly in front of the Frankfurt Festhalle: a huge, black balloon with a big CO2 imprint. The environmentalists of Greenpeace thus demonstrate against the high pollutant emissions of SUVs. The balloon holds around 1400 cubic meters. According to Greenpeace, this is the amount of CO2 that all SUVs registered in Germany emit of CO2 if they drive just 28 meters after starting.

It should actually go to the fair, how the German car industry can finally get rid of their climate starter image. Almost every automaker is currently focusing on electric drives and battery-powered electric cars.

Volkswagen Show stock market chart for example, presents the production version of its electric car ID3 with a big impact. Porsche Show stock market chart puts his e-sports car Taycan, who premiered a few days ago, in the spotlight At Daimler Show stock market chart and BMW Show stock market chart In addition to pure battery-electric models, it’s also about the new generation of plug-in hybrids, which can now travel much further than before with just one battery charge. About 60 kilometers are now possible with a single charge for the hybrid, the manufacturers promise. That is much more than before.

The first “balance sheet CO2-neutral electric car in the world” is the ID3, praised Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess the car at the VW evening event. The group intends to launch 70 new electric car models by 2028. The ID3 is produced with 100 percent green power, so to speak, it is the spearhead of the air rescue.

Rethink rhetoric of the industry – and an acceptance problem

And despite all the rhetoric of departure, the industry has an acceptance problem at the trade fair. Because in the run-up climate protectors had already announced protests. This has recently tried to counteract it personally – for example, in a dispute with Tina Velo, a representative of the initiative “Sand in Gear”. The two have publicly exchanged positions, but – unsurprisingly – the other can not convince.

To approach car critics is important, says VW Supervisory Board Chairman Hans-Dieter Pötsch on the eve even on demand. However, the fact that VW’s group leader meets the representative of a rather obscure climate protection initiative at all shows how nervous the industry is.

Because the big business is currently still making the automakers with the upgraded and climate-damaging SUVs. They have indeed become more economical in consumption. But for the climate-friendly image that manufacturers want to gain, the cars do not quite fit.

SUVs fill the cash register, but damage the green image

Even approaching the critics, talking to them – that’s the way German car companies want to do well in the discussion. On the other hand, Carlos Tavares, head of the Opel-dam PSA Group, is even more distanced in the roundtable. The question is how far EU citizens want to be dictated to what is good or bad for them. People bought SUVs because they felt safer and needed more space, Tavares said. What the vision of climate protectors for mobility, he throws a little offended in the round.

Brexit, China, Customs Dispute: Motor industry “is heading for a storm”

And so the industry – with all the bluster on the future clean mobility age – now another uncertainty factor for the business. Worldwide, the industry is heading for a storm, warns Tavares. Trade disputes are increasing, Brexit is threatening business in Europe, and China is now facing a saturated market.

But now carmakers also have to find convincing answers to the question of what they can and want to contribute to climate protection. After several years of strong growth, the IAA now shows one thing above all else: Behind all the polished vehicles and despite self-confident rhetoric, there is often a hangover mood. Or, as a consultant puts it: “The mood is down.”

VW asks for its own stand – and offers vegan appetizers

This was already evident at the eve events. Because compared to the opulence of earlier years, the events of the German carmaker Daimler fell Show stock market chart and Volkswagen Show stock market chart almost modest. Even a year ago, it was about maximum overwhelming the guests: dedicated dance ensembles made for visual distraction, while the board members – appreciated – of course, most magnificent – their own situation. Lush buffets, show effects and dedicated DJs were required.

This time VW and Daimler were visibly striving to make the events modest. They invited instead in rented extra halls to the own stalls. It is also a number smaller. Instead of expensive Kobe beef, as Volkswagen served just a few years ago a good thousand invited guests, this time the highlight was vegan burgers in small format. Nibbles instead of bite just – this also corresponds to the current mood at the IAA.

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