Tesla Model S P100D vs. Mercedes AMG GT 63 — Lovecars Drag Race Is Fun, Funny, Worth Watching


Published on November 17th, 2019 |
by Cynthia Shahan

Tesla Model S P100D vs. Mercedes AMG GT 63 — Lovecars Drag Race Is Fun, Funny, Worth Watching

November 17th, 2019 by Cynthia Shahan

The other day I noticed my torque was at prime force due to the battery being fully charged — on my 2015 BMW i3. Imagine how this higher state of charge (SoC) increases the feeling of Ludicrous Mode as it jets a Tesla Model S P100D forward like a rocket.

In another case of such a Tesla showing off its power and thrilling its driver, below we have a race between a P100D and a Mercedes AMG GT 63 with a twin-turbocharged V8 engine, two similarly priced 4 door cars.

The articulate racing-inspired YouTube channel Lovecars set up the race. According to Lovecars, the new AMG GT 63 from the oldest car manufacturer in the world challenges the current king of the racetrack, the Model S P100D. The unfolding race is about contrast as well as racing. It is about generational changes.

Tiff Needell amuses himself, and us, as he inspects the vitals on the Tesla screen. His friend in the Mercedes says, “Yeah, but can it do this?” The vroom vroom of the V8 engine follows. (Many would consider that a bug rather than a feature.)

1, 2, 3, and the Mercedes driver smiles in amazement as Tiff and Tesla take a certain lead. “It’s an absolute rocket!” The fun of this video is the back and forth. Tiff says, “I left you 100 yards behind in a flash. Were you not trying at all?”

Tiff switches cars and gets behind the wheel of the Mercedes, because as he says, it must be a driver error — how could Tesla be so far ahead. “Jumping from that Tesla to Mercedes is minimalistic to maximalistic,” he notes — “if that’s a word.”

The drivers eventually make 3 runs of races.

Sources: Tesla Inc. / Mercedes AMG

Sources: Tesla Inc. / Mercedes AMG via X Auto

Consider the force and performance of the Tesla, an all-electric car that only arrived on the scene in 2012 from the newest car manufacturer on the planet. Yes, the Tesla Model S P100D deserves the crown. How the times have changed.

I got hooked on Lovecars and Tiff Needell after the races and wanted a bit more. I found another one worth watching. Of course, this sticks with the all-electric Tesla. Enjoy.

Tip of the hat to X Auto.
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About the Author

Cynthia Shahan Cynthia Shahan started writing by doing research as a social cultural and sometimes medical anthropology thinker. She studied and practiced both Waldorf education, and Montessori education. Eventually becoming an organic farmer, licensed AP, and mother of four unconditionally loving spirits, teachers, and environmentally conscious beings born with spiritual insights and ethics beyond this world. (She was able to advance more in this way led by her children.)

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