An Ultimate Tesla Model 3 User’s Guide

Autonomous Vehicles
Model 3 User's Guide

Published on November 16th, 2019 |
by Johnna Crider

An Ultimate Tesla Model 3 User’s Guide

November 16th, 2019 by Johnna Crider

What happens when a writer and a software engineer purchase a Tesla Model 3? Naturally, they re-create the Tesla Model 3 User’s Guide and put their own spin on it.

This article is a review of this unique Tesla Model 3 user’s guide. One of the authors of this book contacted me via Facebook and asked me to review the book. The guide is actually pretty adorable, and it helps both men and women learn how to use a Tesla Model 3 from the perspectives of both a female and male user. The book is very relatable since it’s written by Tesla customers for Tesla customers.

This is a husband and wife team who wrote the book. The full title and subtitle: He Said, She Said Tesla Model 3 User’s Guide: Get Mansplained and Ma’am-splained all in one book. That drives the point home. The shortest tl;dr summary:

“We love our Tesla and believe in the company and Elon’s mission.”
— Sheryl Scarborough and Jerry Piatt

The guide is often flowing from “she said” to “he said” perspectives. They wanted to go with this approach because, while they equally love their Model 3, they have individual experiences that differ from one another. This approach makes their guide relatable for many people. His personality is that of “deep geek speak,” while she is pretty chill.

Model 3 Users Guide

Their Model 3 Specs

Helva-Pearl Piatt is a dual-motor, all-wheel-drive Model 3. It also has a long-range 75 kWh battery, a driving range of 310 miles, and all of the bells and whistles. She can go from 0 to 60 in 4.4 seconds and is white on white (exterior and interior color schemes).

“Make no mistake, I love Pearl like a nine-year-old loves cake!”
— Sheryl Scarborough.

A Glimpse Into The Chapters

Every chapter, including the introduction, opens up with a quote from Elon Musk. The introduction also breaks down Tesla’s terminology for those who may not know what AP, FSD, Joe Mode, or a J1772 adapter are. The glossary is at the end of the introduction part of the book, just before the first chapter which is titled EV vs ICE. Chapter 2 is all about range and answers the questions:

  1. How far can you really go?
  2. How long does it take to charge?
  3. How much does it cost?

These are probably the top 3 questions Tesla owners get asked.

Chapter 3 covers charging as well as topics such as vampire drain, battery range deprivation, and also your carbon footprint. Chapter 4 is all about the basic operation of the vehicle and includes some pro tips, such as “Tap on the Temp Setting to adjust the temp up or down.” I did see a familiar name in this book: “Tesla Owner Online.” The authors of this book encourage you to check that resource out. Overall, this chapter is packed with all types of juicy tidbits of information.

Chapter 5 covers the bells and whistles, such as Sentry Mode and TACC (Traffic-Aware Cruise Control). Chapter 6 covers service and maintenance, part of which includes washing your car. It also gives you a few highlights from the Tesla Model 3 Owners Manual.

Chapter 7 is all about safety and Chapter 8 is the “Geek’s Stuff,” which covers rebooting, powering off, bug reports, games, pranks, and more. Chapter 9 is all about the cute stuff, such as naming your vehicle. Also in this chapter is where Sheryl got inspiration to name the Model 3 Helva Pearl. Romance Mode, Tesla Theater, Rainbow Road, and a few others are mentioned in this chapter, as are some of Sheryl’s own personal additions, like a matching handbag.

Chapter 10 covers everything else, such as etiquette, mythology and lore, apps, and more. In the etiquette section, the book covers simple kindnesses towards fellow Tesla owners and makes one appreciate people in this community even more. In this final chapter, there are several links for you to explore, such as the Tesla Divas Facebook Group. There is also a list of Twitter users for you to follow:

  • @ElonMusk
  • @Tesla
  • @TeslaDaily
  • @Teslarati
  • @TeslaOwnersOnline
  • @MyModel3
  • @TeslaModel3News
  • @Tesletter
  • @CleanTechnica (This one seems oddly familiar. Perhaps you have heard of this Tesla crew?)
  • @Scarbo_Author
  • @TeslaUsers

This book is available for Amazon Kindle and you can preview a sample chapter here. The book was easy to read and I definitely enjoyed it. I think it would be a great asset to any Tesla owner, especially one who owns or is thinking about buying a Model 3.
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About the Author

Johnna Crider Johnna Crider is a Baton Rouge artist, gem and mineral collector, and Tesla shareholder who believes in Elon Musk and Tesla. Elon Musk advised her in 2018 to “Believe in Good.”

Tesla is one of many good things to believe in. You can find Johnna on Twitter

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