Volkswagen Seemingly Believes A Common Tesla Myth


Published on November 16th, 2019 |
by Johnna Crider

Volkswagen Seemingly Believes A Common Tesla Myth

November 16th, 2019 by Johnna Crider

Volkswagen ID.3

A common Tesla myth is that you have to be wealthy to own one. In a blog post on its website, Volkswagen says that it is “making attractive and affordable electric cars for everyone. E-cars for millions – not for millionaires.”

It’s a seemingly inclusive statement until you realize that it is actually taking a dig at Tesla. Although I personally think Tesla makes beautiful cars, Tesla does have a reputation of selling vehicles that only a few can afford. This stems from Tesla’s history. If one remembers Elon’s original Secret Master Plan, however, it has always been clear that Tesla’s long-term goal was to make electric transport affordable for the masses as quickly as possible. As it stands today, the Tesla Model 3 is an overall best seller worldwide due to its relatively low price.

Tesla Model 3

Tesla may not be for everyone, since the starting price is indeed around $40,000, but it’s certainly not only for millionaires! It’s for the soccer mom who has to take her kids to school, the couple that likes taking long road trips, small businesses, and more.

Rebranding is a great thing. It’s good if Volkswagen is ready to provide serious electric offerings. But there’s no need to try to take swipes at Tesla. Plus, Tesla is indeed winning as long as anyone else is bringing competitive EVs to market. If everyone is trying to make a “Tesla killer,” Tesla’s dreams are coming true. The more “Tesla killers” out there, the more people will be buying EVs instead of fossil fuel cars.

The industry may see Tesla as an annoyance that is slowly becoming a threat to their profits, but the idea that anyone is going to “kill” Tesla seems long out of date and must not be held by many auto execs. The common narrative that the shorts often make is that Tesla will be bankrupt next year, and that it won’t be around after five or even three years. They think that Tesla is a fad that will go away. Much like what many in previous generations thought about computers and the internet. However, experts in the actual auto industry must see by now that Tesla is more of a long-term leader than a fad.

Tesla’s challenge to other automakers is simple: Evolve or die.
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About the Author

Johnna Crider Johnna Crider is a Baton Rouge artist, gem and mineral collector, and Tesla shareholder who believes in Elon Musk and Tesla. Elon Musk advised her in 2018 to “Believe in Good.”

Tesla is one of many good things to believe in. You can find Johnna on Twitter

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