Rezvani Motors Wants To Shoot Up A Cybertruck

Autonomous Vehicles

Published on November 28th, 2019 |
by Johnna Crider

Rezvani Motors Wants To Shoot Up A Cybertruck

November 28th, 2019 by Johnna Crider

In two Instagram posts this week, Rezvani Motors declared its desire to shoot up a Tesla Cybertruck with an AK (I presume 47). To be honest, seeing Elon and Franz beat up the Cybertruck brings out that inner devil child who wants to wreak havoc. The Cybertruck is tough enough to handle it, for sure.

Rezvani Motors posted the first Instagram post with a caption: “Hey @TeslaMotors at Rezvani Motors we don’t toss balls at our vehicles. We challenge you to a real ballistics test. Name the date, we’ll bring our 1000hp Military Edition TANK!” They also mentioned that it’s at the LA Auto Show until December 1.

Although they challenged Tesla, I do want to mention that perhaps shooting the Cybertruck on stage with an AK47 would not have been a wise thing for Elon or Franz to do, especially since there were lots of potentially innocent people around and a flying bullet could kill one of them. However, I am sure that Tesla would be down for this if done in a safe setting. I assume the placed shown in the second Instagram post (below) is such a setting.

The photo Rezvani Motors uploaded was a graphic of them shooting at one of their trucks, split with a graphic of the Cybertruck. This could be some serious fun.

One of the replies was about the cost of the vehicle, since the Cybertruck is $50,000 (I think he was referring to the dual-motor version with AWD). Let’s compare the $49,900 Tesla Cybertruck with the Rezvani 1000hp Military Edition Tank.

Rezvani vs. Tesla


This tank, with a Demon V8, starts at $295,000. Now, before you freak out at that price tag, remember this is a military-edition tank and not a car you would see on the highway. This tank comes with a lot of protection bangs for the buck, but then again, it is a military tank. Some features that I think are pretty rad:

  • Underside explosive protection
  • Thermal night vision
  • Electromagnetic Pulse Protection
  • It’s its own siren. (Tesla, this is my dark side speaking to you, I want my Cybertruck to have a siren!)
  • Strobe lights.
  • Intercom system (Tesla, if not the siren, then this for sure. Or wait, I can be a bit snappy with my words sometimes. Maybe not.)
  • Gas masks
  • First aid kit and hypothermia kit. (Louisiana doesn’t need the latter).
  • Smokescreen

I dare say it can take on Louisiana traffic.

The Engine

Yes, I know we are all about cleantech, but Rezvani takes pride in its engine, and for the sake of the reader’s clarity, we need to know what Tesla would be competing against. The engine is a 1,000 horsepower V8 engine from the Dodge Demon and is “capable of propelling TANK(tm) over any terrain.”

The Armor

Rezvani says that it has the “latest in ballistics armor capable of stopping high caliber weapons and assault rifles.” It also has its more sensitive parts — radiator, battery and fuel tank — all snuggly protected with kevlar. And it has its underside protected from explosive devices.

Tesla Cybertruck

Tesla Cybertruck with dual motors and all-wheel drive starts at $49,900. The range is 300+ miles. There is no monster engine here, since Tesla is first and foremost about sustainable energy. The Cybertruck doesn’t have a siren and, to be honest, I can grab a first aid kit at Walgreens if I need one. Tesla does have fart mode, though. Also, I really don’t need a tank. I’m not going to war. I’m a lover, not a fighter.

The Armor

The Cybertruck has its own armor, and it’s made not just with household stainless steel. The stainless steel is an alloy that SpaceX will be using for Starship. Elon also said that, “It is literally bulletproof to a nine-millimeter handgun,” so it may not take the heat from an AK47, but it still hands more than a Ford F-150, Ram 1500, or Chevy Silverado. We could still try out an AK47 on the Cybertruck, though. It could be fun. At the unveiling of the full-height Starship Mk1 prototype, Elon revealed that the Starship would have stainless steel for the outer shell. It will have additional glass tiles covering the layer for half of the spacecraft that will take on the highest heat from re-entry. The Cybertruck, unlike the tank, seems to be made for space rather than war.

So, Who Won This Comparison?

Well, when it comes to military-grade luxury tanks, Rezvani has Tesla beat. I love Tesla, am a fan, but Elon isn’t making vehicles to fight a war (unless you count traffic). He is trying to help humanity transition to sustainable energy. The average American going to and from work who may just want something different — or something with a myriad of benefits unseen in any other consumer vehicle — doesn’t need the Rezvani Military TANK. Sure, it would be handy in a car accident, but honestly, it would probably kill the other driver.

Personally, I would still get the Cybertruck. It’s affordable and would still protect me if I was in an accident. Knowing the glass could crack but will most likely not shatter is a plus. However, if I were a criminal mob boss, I’d get that tank. Well, I’d get that tank and a Cybertruck. Both would be fun.

Speaking of fun, I challenge both Tesla and Rezvani to race at Nürburgring! Let’s do this!
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About the Author

Johnna Crider Johnna Crider is a Baton Rouge artist, gem and mineral collector, and Tesla shareholder who believes in Elon Musk and Tesla. Elon Musk advised her in 2018 to “Believe in Good.”

Tesla is one of many good things to believe in. You can find Johnna on Twitter

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