$79–$178 EV Lease … Tesla Cybertruck’s Enormous Implications … Potential $108/kWh Tesla Battery Pack — CleanTechnica Top 20

Autonomous Vehicles

Published on December 2nd, 2019 |
by Zachary Shahan

$79–$178 EV Lease … Tesla Cybertruck’s Enormous Implications … Potential $108/kWh Tesla Battery Pack — CleanTechnica Top 20

December 2nd, 2019 by Zachary Shahan

A whopping 14 top 20 articles last week were about the Tesla Cybertruck! I think that’s a new record for a single product. Nonetheless, quite humorously, the #1 article was about low leases for the Hyundai Ioniq Electric rather than anything about the Cybertruck. The #2 article is an epic article about why the Cybertruck is much more than it seems on the surface, and the #3 piece delves into implications regarding the low battery price Tesla seems to be showing with the Cybertruck pricing and specs.

There were a couple other battery stories, a couple other Tesla stories, and one piece on the fact that renewable energy is clear cost-competitive these days, even in some cases compared to existing fossil power plants. Scroll down below for more and to click through to any of the popular articles you missed (or just want to read again).

  1. Say What? $79–$178 Monthly Lease For An Electric Car?
  2. The Tesla Cybertruck Isn’t A Pickup — It’s Much, Much More
  3. What A $108/kWh Battery Pack Would Mean For Tesla
  4. Tesla Cybertruck — Pure Logic On Wheels
  5. Tesla Cybertruck: I Think I Get It Now (Analyzing Social Media In Light Of 146,000 Reservations)
  6. Why Tesla’s Stock [TSLA] Tanked After Cybertruck’s Reveal
  7. Batteries Are Breaking Through
  8. Who Is *Actually* Going To Buy A Tesla Cybertruck?
  9. Why Is The Tesla Cybertruck A Giant Triangle?
  10. Comparison Between Tesla Model S, Cybertruck, & Porsche Taycan
  11. Tesla [Cybertruck] FUD: They Can’t Build That!
  12. 300,000–500,000 Miles In A Tesla — How Does A Tesla Hold Up?
  13. LOL — Elon’s Tesla Cybertruck Just Turned Manly Man-Trucks Into Princess Wagons
  14. Tesla Rolls Out (Literally) 100-Car Portable Superchargers For Holiday Carmageddon
  15. Tesla Model 3 Is #3 Best Selling Vehicle In California Through September
  16. Tesla Cybertruck Starts From $39,900! Better Value Than Ford F-150?
  17. Tesla Cybertruck: Battery Price Dive
  18. Tesla Cybertruck: Criticizing The Look (Barely) Misses The Real Problem
  19. Solar Costs & Wind Costs So Low They’re Cheaper Than *Existing* Coal & Nuclear — Lazard LCOE Report
  20. Tesla [TSLA] FUD: $100 Preorders

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About the Author

Zachary Shahan is tryin' to help society help itself one word at a time. He spends most of his time here on CleanTechnica as its director and chief editor. He's also the CEO of Important Media. Zach is recognized globally as an electric vehicle, solar energy, and energy storage expert. He has presented about cleantech at conferences in India, the UAE, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Canada, and Curaçao.

Zach has long-term investments in Tesla [TSLA] — after years of covering solar and EVs, he simply has a lot of faith in this company and feels like it is a good cleantech company to invest in. But he offers no investment advice and does not recommend investing in Tesla or any other company.

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